
"That's really not a great idea, but better than staying with the Boltons." That covers an awful lot of ground.

The Unsullied are trained (and armed) for open combat, but spears and moving in formation are little use in close quarters.
As Daario pointed out in previous episodes, the unsullied are actually very badly suited to policing Mereen.

It's the quintessential American dinosaur, so
I find that a tad hard to believe. Baryonyx on the other hand…

Assuming the T. rex is polite enough to stop at the 100 yard dash finishing line…

The "theft" in this case it was of scientific information already paid for twice by society and to which he had legal access.
So no theft occurred, but the prosecutors leaned on him heavily to make him an example in the against… I'm not sure what fight they were fighting. Free thinking? Hacktivism? Open Access?

He knows well enough that Tywin was the one holding things together, and keeping alive what sanity remains in the city.
With Cersei as acting ruler, and all his important connections dead or AWOL what is there left for Varys?
Chaos may be a ladder, but the rungs are slippery with blood and you might just get pushed

The problem with Shae is that the show tried everything to make her look evil, but by doing so dehumanized her, if she'd been given reasons (and there are plenty) to become disenchanted with Tyrion beyond jealous lover/nag it would have made her betrayal believable and given her death emotional weight.

From Shae´s perspective there´s a story here about her giving up a comfortable life as a free women (even if she is a prostitute) for love, only to find Tyrion's promises ring hollow. What she gets in King's Landing is a life of servitude and more empty promises.
But it's a story the show never tells, instead opting to

The TBD is the point though, Jon even says so quite explicitly at the end when he makes his "probing attack" speech.
This was the Big Battle for us, for Sam and the men holding the wall, and maybe even for the wildlings South of The Wall. But in the big scheme of things it is quite inconsequential, other than to

But if you're carrying it across the back you're going to need another primary weapon, preferably something with a bit of heft if you're going through dangerous area accompanied by a small band of semi-trained ex-convicts. So now you're carrying two swords, I'd opt for looking silly over carrying the extra weight as

My local zoo also has a wolf enclosure, which is more like a piece of the forest that was fenced in. That way the wolves get plenty of space to roam (just don't expect to see them when you visit).

Thanks for pointing to that article Abigail (the link didn't work, but I found the it via Google). Probably the best summary of the history of killer whales in captivity that I've read.

"Oddly, nobody ever points out that the same argument, minus the performance angle [..], would apply to any animal in any zoo anywhere in the world. "

"It’d be like discovering a lost Peanuts cartoon where Charlie Brown tells Linus that abortion stops a beating heart, or an alternate-universe issue of Mad magazineexclusively devoted to anti-immigration rhetoric. "