There are only two characters of any real significance in Beast, the debut feature from British filmmaker Michael…
There are only two characters of any real significance in Beast, the debut feature from British filmmaker Michael…
Honestly more than anything else US Soccer fans need to take a long break from indulging in the Hot Takes. At this point it seems like every game, hell, every pass we play, gets treated as a referendum on Jurgen Klinsmann, MLS, the state of youth development in America (which every US Soccer fan on the Internet…
What’s funny about all the Jurgen haters is that they claim he said he’d turn them into a world soccer power in 8 years.
It's this season's "if we persecute the Christians any more than we already do..."
I think we have evidence of that already. It was done from about 800BC through 400AD and gave us what we call the Bible.
I think it's always going to vary on a case-by-case basis. There's Yedlin who has done very well by the MLS route, but there's also Gideon Zelalem at Arsenal. His family decided to take Arsenal up on their academy offer and moved from Maryland to London. He's now a first team squad player and even Don Garber would be…
Ichiro speaks perfect English, but relies on a translator to ensure he doesn't misspeak and say something stupid or embarrassing that would later end up on Deadspin. Same goes for these Spanish-speaking players. It's not ignorance on their part; it's being media-savvy.
I'm sorry are we under the impression that the Mason/Dixon line held all those racists at some invisible border where they don't live in the North?