Mark Mays

I appreciate wanting to review this show independently but having a little knowledge of the Kirkman universe and other TWD works helps and would inform the viewers who read this spot weekly. Most of this episode is taken from Kirkman's RISE OF THE GOVERNOR novella that gives the Guv a backstory (I'm sure someone has

I doubt it's that people are "getting on" Kelly, its more that he's been reintroduced to the millennials via the "Trapped in the Closet" stuff. That is annoying for me, the non-fan, as I thought he'd run his course.

I'm not bothered by the suggestion.

Oh she's gone as in she drove away in a different direction. If she returns, great, but it would be nice if she shows up in the spinoff leading her own group, yet hiding the secret that she's a murderer.

Saying someone is "confused" and saying they confuse one thing with another aren't exactly the same. Perhaps the word choice could be better. Still, I read a lot of raves about the ending and people writing they thought it was great because of *what* happened, not that it was deserved or showed a character arc or

The world of action/slasher films is stock full of using rape as a plot point and an intro to blood letting. I have this theory that writers of such are using these female leads and such situations as an outlet of their personal rage under the guise of intending to present a "feminist" response to male violence.

They'd hopefully be on the prison side of the fence when they set the fire. Yes, starting a brush fire in the forest would be a concern but I'm sure the writers would think of a way around that.

Which is exactly what the creators were hoping to avoid, methinks. The show is a mix of character driven and plot driven storylines. If it becomes "oh god we're stuck in a room with zombies oh no" every week I'll tune out and watch the original DAWN OF THE DEAD on occasion.

The way Carol went out was a dropped ball. They could have used her actions in the prison and mashed it up with the book throughline to great effect. I expect, though, they didn't want to go that route so that she might show up in the new spinoff.

Except for the Governor/steel plate part, this is how I expected the Carol situation to play out given what I know from the books. It would certainly have been more dramatic than what we had. Letting the whole Carol/Tyreese relationship act as a B-story to the Guv's return would have been nice.

To be fair to the show, the women characters openly addressed the division of labor in the first season if you recall, which lead to the drama. The Andrea/Guv thing was kind of nonsensical but we have the advantage of being able to see what he was on about. It's easy for us to say she was stupid. Their relationship

The "turn" has never been portrayed as always instantaneous or within two minutes. It would make sense for it to vary between individuals as it is the result of a virus and no virus affects all people the exact same way.

Glen is fine. I don't think they'll kill him off until either Kirkman says so or until Yeun finds another gig.

Maybe a couple of characters are developed well, but most of them are as one-note as any secondary character on any TV show. I liked the game but I think people get a little over-excited due to its immersive nature and confusing a down ending with a good ending.

I think his point is that eventually the brain would boil and the zombie would die. They could have set the lot on fire way before they massed enough to push the fence over.

This was a great episode — how it got a B is a little beyond me — but a horror movie every week? Er . . . .

I understand where you're going with this, but there are likely other better examples than Arnold. You're never going to get people to consider the deeper questions embedded in this (points made in another thread specifically about Brown's consideration in the media by myself and others) as long as you compare

So the dividing line is whether other people have experienced it?

I recall going into this expecting parody and Hollywood at once congratulating itself and aiming a soft satirical finger at itself. It worked for me, with the exception being Arnold's inability to poke fun at Arnold. It was too outre a film for the leads to play it straight a la AIRPLANE and Arnold was kind of