Does it matter how many people "feel Lydia is the worst person?" Walt is better because he is the one who knocks, in person?
Does it matter how many people "feel Lydia is the worst person?" Walt is better because he is the one who knocks, in person?
Worst? As opposed to Crazy Walt, the guy who killed many in order to maintain his position atop a meth empire?
poi·son (poizn)n.1. A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means.Giving someone the Lily-of-the-Valley extract is poisoning them. With Walt annihilating the Nazis, Lydia isn't much of a threat to Walt's family. Killing her doesn't seem to serve much purpose. I thought Walt simply…
You haven't quite figured out that some AV Club commenters are extremely serious about proving how un self-serious they are.
He is The Vision.
That's funny because I said it to myself in his voice.
If I had to guess, and why not, I'd say this one might include Lee from the Telltale Games version.
But the comments under the clip are WAY more entertaining.
No one remembers Home Movies. It predated the other adult swim shows because it was originally on UPN. Space Ghost Coast to Coast started way before Adult Swim was a thing. And I'll blow all you kids' minds; I remember watching the original Space Ghost on TV.
Really, not for nothing that the splash of pink in SCHINDLER was a shot-out in itself.
Because most of the ppl at TWP are critics or recently deposed critics or "I got in the game too late to be a critic" critics. They're just doing what they were born to do.
I want to marry this comment.
Funny that my kids have seen this now, and they are just too young to get as emotional about it as they might if just a few years older. My wife (Japanese national) and I are sitting there fighting back tears and the kids are so stoic.
Yeah, I watched it with my best mate a couple of times, then decided I wanted to watch alone so he couldn't see the tears at the end. I'm sure he did the same, lol.
People all over the net are apparently making a connection between SE7EN and the finale. The connection is pretty weak. It isn't like SE7EN was the first time a cop tried to prevent a partner from killing in cold blood on film. Then again, if you add in the scene where Linden tried to prevent Holder from checking the…
The wife and I argued over whether this was in fact a "cliffhanger" ending. I think thematically the matter is sufficiently closed, and if they return next season they will spend little time over the procedural matters of getting out of the fix Linden seems to be in at this point, or at least I hope that's how they…
If this was 1991 I might say yes even in that.