she think that when you die, the body leaves a sweet smell to let your family members know they’re in a good place or some fucking shit
she think that when you die, the body leaves a sweet smell to let your family members know they’re in a good place or some fucking shit
Hm, well, if I could choose what to look like in my next life (should there be such a thing), I would go for his look. Assuming it comes without his brain.
do you eat?
There are people that have Toilet Phobia - many different toilet associated fears, one of which is no access.
This is on Jezebel because... Because women must poop too.
There is. If the women are saved, they will most likely forever be the raped ones in society where, no matter what, a reaped woman brings “shame” to a family. That goes for Yazidis as well as for Muslims. Should this woman bring also her rape child, they both would be living a horrible life where the child would be a…
Thank you for educating me. Did not know that there is a device on sale to restore foreskin. I feel like I should call my parents now and thank them for not having that issue. More (very interesting/frightening visuals) at
Alah: Fuck, where do I take 10800 virgins on such short notice?
In 2012, after the loss, GOP released a document that basically summarized what they have to do to win the next election. I saw it at the time though lately I cannot find it. Among the points there were some about:
Thank you! I have no opinion about it. I have no opinion about Beyonce as well - the song I registered her most in was Telephone by Lady Gaga and of course Single Ladies.
That is what I don’t get. All the “the country is horrible” stuff coming from GOP. Unemployment at 5%, no 9/11 size attack, decline in Irag/Afganistan military, marriage equality, no preexisting conditions in health care (and health care itself), OBL dead, less import of oil (while the biggest production in US),…
Upgrade? It is rather a whole new build. From scratch.
What country?
THAT would be amazing. Just imagine the protest mass suicide of republicans.
Yes, even I have to back up Clinton on this one. DADT was a comprimise that was still step forward. In 90s, especially before Ellen, Will & Grace (and a few others) there was no way the public was prepared on such significant change. Now every show has a gay character, something that was very unusual in 90s.
Just imagine if Jeb! would take all the money he spent so far and invest it in Flint. And then one more Flint. It would make much more difference than his campaign.
Can somebody explain to me what does it mean “I am afraid that next 4 years will be the same as the previous ones”.
This is a great idea. They could enhance it by giving you a choice of alter egos. So, you would have choices to reply as: