Mark Lipsinic
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Real life testing you testing?
Never encounter?

Do you even understand how AWD works?

Large ships such as these are usually towed to a dry dock for final fitting of equipment, or refitting of ships that are already in service. New ships take many years to build and dry docks are few and better utilized for shorter term fitting, refitting, or repairs.

Edmund Fitzgerald.
Infamous Great Lakes ship sinking.

I can't figure out how to access the PS Plus features on the PS TV.
I went to the PS Store on the PS TV and did not see any section for PS Plus.
Anyone know how to install the free PS Plus games on to the PS TV, or access PS Plus features?

I think you mean,

Obama doesn't have the balls to race a Yugo let alone an F1 car.
Besides, he's too busy working on his golf game.

To me it looks more like the head of a velociraptor.
The Velociraptor Nebula would be a much cooler name wouldn't it?

That course is too short for the need of a co-driver.

Prius didn't sacrifice itself. It deserved to die for not safely yielding to traffic that had the right of way.

You're the jackass who doesn't watch the video thoroughly and then jumps to a conclusion that is totally off the mark.
It is a TWO-WAY intersection. The mini-van has the right of way. The Prius failed to cross the intersection safely. Prius fault.

They did not get inside the window glazing. The wasps built the nest between the exterior window glazing and the exterior column. You can see it clearly from the video that the nest has some considerable depth.

She was just singing.

Hey, it's a B-1B.

Oh... wait...


That's not a PT Cruiser.
That's a Chevy HHR.


The X-47B is still deployed off of a carrier. Even if all man fighter aircraft were replaced by drones they would still need to stationed where they could respond to a request for support or strike in a timely manner. Thus, they need to deployed off of a carrier that is stationed relatively near it's target.
All these