I can't think of two Jeopardy! players who are as outwardly different as Matt and Alex. It's jarring to watch them in the same game.
I can't think of two Jeopardy! players who are as outwardly different as Matt and Alex. It's jarring to watch them in the same game.
It is strange timing for a Star Wars Week by AVC. I know December's usually set aside for 'Best of' lists, but they're going to be writing a ton about Star Wars that month, anyway. It's like knowing you're going to have surgery in a month and saying, "Maybe I should just start making incisions now."
If you're, say, Jeremy, I don't think you lose anything by voting out a few of the bigger names within the majority. If your long game is to work with Spencer and Stephen (which, I dunno), then there's no difference at all between Abi/Ciera/Kelley and Kimmi/Keith/Joe/Tasha. Theoretically, the guys could bounce back…
Spencer never fails to entertain me. He is good for at least one completely inhuman confessional every episode. Sometimes he'll have three or four. I don't like him as a player, exactly, but he doesn't take anything off the viewing table. And again, he might not be a human being.
I marvel at Joe's ability. You need a weird set of skills to succeed at Survivor challenges.
I'm guessing the producers were hoping it would be more dramatic. Same with the immunity challenge idols earlier in the season. Nobody has any idea that this is even a thing except Jeremy and Kelley.
She seemed almost nonchalant about it in her farewell speech. Kass, Savage and Wigglesworth. Good luck with that, Ponderosa.
I'm sure this has been said in earlier comments, but I was very surprised that more people didn't jump off for the advantage. If I were on the rickety floaty thingie and heard Jeff say the word "advantage," I would immediately jump off and head for the buoy. Unless you think you have a legitimate chance at winning the…
My mind changed a billion times as to who was going home over the course of the episode. Kudos to you, producers.
What Ciera has going for her is that there are still a ton of big names left. All she has to do is stay under-the-radar until the next Tribal. I'm guessing the target will shift in the interim. If there were half as many people, she wouldn't be able to duck, but as is, she should be able to fade back easily enough.…
I think you're right. In the moment, I think Spencer was legitimately just trying to figure out where everybody stood so he started sketching it in the sand. That in and of itself wasn't patronizing, but of course, he's Spencer, so he gives his showy little confessional and earns a hashtag.
Oh sweet, this one's actually going to have a script.
I hope "Don't fuck with Ciera" is a continuing story-line for the rest of the season.
Agree that 'Working on a Dream' might be Springsteen's worst, though the absurdity of "Queen of the Supermarket" never fails to amuse me. It's a horrible song lyrically and I feel happy whenever I listen to it.
I no longer believe in the idea of a winner's edit. Especially not this early. At this point last season, Mike was edited as the asshole workaholic idiot who ate the scorpion.
Yeah. Actual crying almost always looks awkward and weird.
My first thought: There's no way those hammocks are comfortable. I'm sure it's fun at first just because you're in the jungle and any new thing is fun, but I'm guessing that stuff would start to tear into you if you actually used it for any real length of time.
Shirin and Phei-Gee were gossiping about how Shirin had to "babysit" Abi while Abi was standing almost literally right in front of them. That might not be intentional provocation, but it's definitely stupid, unintentional provocation.
I agree that Abi's going to Abi, much as she has already Abi'ed this season. However, it seems easy enough to pacify her. With a person like that, who runs very high on emotion, you just have to feed her positive, complimentary vibes. She's only going to go crazy if there's a perceived slight and while you can't…
Spencer has an odd sort of alpha male thing going for a guy who is not a prototypical alpha male. You constantly see him taking the lead on challenges. Carried the torch in last week's challenge and has jumped in on the end portions of both challenges the last two weeks.