Mark Lindquist

I understand getting stuck on a word puzzle, but there's no way that thing should have taken an hour. Just step away from it for a minute and stop staring. You already have 90% of the thing figured out. It'll come to you.

I clapped when Mike won, too. I also clapped when Dan played his advantage, because that sealed Carolyn playing her idol. Much clapping.

It's hard to believe that our current Mike is the same guy who ate a scorpion when he first arrived on the island.

Entertaining episode. Abbreviated thoughts:

I watched it on DVD and then shut it off halfway through because it didn't have a script!

Alternate Headline: Marvel Committed to Making Exact Same Movie Over and Over and Over Again.

Good players make for good TV. Good characters, plus a little splash of Keith's spit to keep everybody on their toes.

Ciera or you're a robot.

Ah, Jenn's "winner edit." I miss you. I miss believing in you.

I believe Probst hates Greg, because Greg would always fuck around at tribal and it drove Probst crazy.

Keith is just a silly human being. He's great. Guys like Dan try to be characters, but Keith is an actual character. You can tell he's exactly what you see. I mean, as much as you can tell such things from heavily edited reality television.

Well, if you're funny on the Internet…

I think she had to get rid of Tyler now. She needed people throwing away their votes on an idol-ed Mike. It would have been much harder to galvanize forces within the alliance to get him out otherwise, me thinks.

I was waiting for him to out Dan's advantage at Tribal. Overconfidence is not your friend, Tyler.

I voted for him. I love Keith. *spits*

Wigglesworth is a lock. Even if people don't remember her, she's going to get votes just for being on the first season.

Rodney can plug Dan in her place, but Carolyn can plug Mike into Rodney's place and she gets the much, much better end of that deal. I don't know if anybody other than Carolyn or Mike wins a challenge from here on out. If I had to guess on our Final 6 breakdown, it'll be Carolyn/Sierra/Mike v Rodney/Will/Dan.

Oh dear God, the bees. That freaked me out. Bees, hornets and wasps terrify me. I think a producer threw a rock at the nest to get them all moving at the end of that shot.

Are we sure on that?

Now there's the solidly entertaining episode I've been looking for this season. It seems that every week, there's something or other that shows awfully on mankind, but this week, it was just Rodney going insane. And Carolyn showed the sort of confident voting move that I've been waiting for ever since she immediately…