Mark Lindquist

Missy doesn't really have a leg to stand on after she voted for Jeremy. As far as betrayals go, switching your vote on a split when no idols are being played and you're choosing between two non-players is pretty tame. I don't think it'll move Missy against Natalie.

Last week's episode really looks weird now. I assumed after Natalie told him to play the idol, it was because the alliance was a guaranteed ticket to the Final Five for her, at which point she could band with Missy and Baylor to boot him. Then she promptly freaks Jon out by switching her vote to Alec. The two moves in

Absolutely. I was disappointed. I thought when she started talking about "flipping the game" that she was going to go in that direction, rather than in the direction of keeping one non-entity over the other non-entity.

Oh God, imagine his speech and arguments at final tribal. That would be a beautiful train wreck.

Number of times I said to the television "vote out Jaclyn": All of them. All of the times. If you're going to fire a shot, fire it in his direction. As is, Jon realizes that you have a gun and you hit nothing. I'm really surprised Natalie didn't turn this way after Jon won immunity. With the decision to split the

I was going to say "Long December." The "Drove up to Hillside Manor…" verse gets me every time.

Why would you go on Twitter if you're worried about being spoiled and you know it's already aired in one time zone? Continue in your ways, AMC. You are not at fault for the recklessness of the Internet.

Johansson was great in her role, but 'Lucy' was a fucking mess and one of the dumbest movies of the year. The second-half was absolutely awful. On the flip-side, 'The Theory of Everything' (which is panned at the end of the article) starts out as a blatant 'Beautiful Mind' copy and then transforms into a good movie

I do wonder if Jeff basically came into the thing trying to get somebody to bring up Keith's idol. We know the actual Tribal is two hours long. It's possible that this was the 50th time that Jeff asked Reed about idols and Reed finally broke and said something.

They do sometimes have a sort of split-story going, where one edit or two carries the show until the merge and then others pick up. We saw it with Ciera in the original BvW. Ciera basically didn't exist until after the merge and then she came on like gangbusters. I also think that they figured their best bet was to

The idea of Keith winning is a disturbing one. The only way I could see that going down is if Baylor really, really annoys some people along the way and the whole thing ends up being a spite vote in a Keith v Baylor final. On that note, do we know if this will be a Final Three or Final Two season?

If I'm Natalie, I don't push for Jon to go yet. Assuming the overall alliance is strong (and who knows with these people) I get it down to Top-5 and THEN say to Missy and Baylor that it's time for him to go. You argue three things: First, Jon has a decided advantage in physical challenges. Second, the issue of having

That was entertaining. The biggest misstep of Reed's plan wasn't the plan itself, which was impressively worked, but the target. I completely understand why you want Jon gone, but the target should have been Jaclyn. You know Jon's been to Exile Island very recently and even if you aren't sure he found an idol, it's a

Because (if we're approaching this on a somewhat logical level, which we probably shouldn't do with a movie about cloning dinosaurs), while there were thousands of dinosaur species, scientists are incredibly limited by whatever they find in amber. The scientists can't just be like, "Let's clone an **insert terrifying

I missed it, sadly. Couldn't remember the author of 'Where the Wild Things Are,' so even though I knew what the answer should be, I was helpless to actually answer. It was a horrible feeling and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

To be fair, the trailer has next-to-no close-up shots of the dinosaurs, where practical effects would actually be…well…practical. I'm sure they have a nice mix of things depending on the situation. In action shots with dinosaurs running, you're just not going to be able to realistically use a mechanical beast, though.

They train lions and tigers. Don't think it's a huge leap to at least attempt to train yer raptors.

From what I've read, your reasoning is correct and the park is losing money, hence why they create their new attraction. It makes sense. Even if a ton of people are going there, the amount of money to clone dinosaurs, build a giant security system and keep the animals alive would be astronomical.

Childhood nostalgia, fuck yeah. 'Jurassic Park' was pivotal to my existence at age seven. I will happily give this movie fistfuls of money.

That was a really, really awkward story by the woman in the middle (Jennifer?). A tale of wardrobe malfunction is not going to end well. Just tell a story about the time your car broke down or something.