Mark Lindquist

Original film was one of the few that I've ever turned off midway through. I have a pretty high tolerance for shitty acting and shitty screenwriting in my blockbuster entertainment, but that movie was fucking horrendous.

Thought? No. Guessed? Sure. I assumed that these were chapter headings written in the overly dramatic language of the day, describing a whale that had been through some battles with sharks and mermaids and stuff. And I thought that perhaps the "lame" part was in reference to the whale being harpooned. Again, this was

I struggled mightily in this game, capping it off with a resigned, defeated guess of, "What is 'Moby Dick'?" for FJ. Some days you have it, some days you don't.

Hey, cool, it's that one movie that I tell myself I'm going to watch and then chicken out on watching. Maybe I'll watch it this weekend.

Not taking anything away from 'Pet Sounds,' which I adore, but The Beatles influenced everybody in the history of ever.

When I first really started getting into music during my undergrad (this would have been 2005-2006ish), I more or less cast aside 'Pet Sounds' as being pretty, but no great shakes in comparison to other titanic records of the decade. I revisited it a year ago and hot damn, was I wrong. The undercurrent of melancholy

With Rocker gone and a tribe swap coming, I wouldn't be surprised if things get better. So much of the early focus was on him, and when it wasn't on him, it was on his loser tribe. Weird way to start a season. We don't even know where alliances stand right now, because the five-guys alliance split to vote out Rocker,

While the votes were all over the place, I think Keith must have been clued in that the voting breeze was blowing in general Drew's direction. Or that Jeremy was not campaigning hard enough against him to really scare Keith.

Disagree on Jeremy. Keith told half the tribe that Jeremy had the idol. That jeopardizes Jeremy's game if people get paranoid and try to flush it, given that he definitely does not have one. Better to call Keith out in Tribal and shift the focus over to Keith's lack of trustworthiness than to have everybody else think

That's a really good observation. I like Jeremy and I think he goes far. To this point he's getting a good edit. My only worry for him is that he might be a little too strong-headed.

It was so obvious that around the midway point, I was starting to think, "This has to be some kind of a red herring, right? Right?" But no. It was just an artistic demolition of a moron.

We all float down here.

Shane's sort of an odd player. There are times when I'm really impressed by him, but he's probably too inconsistent to really sustain a winning streak.

Oh, I agree that the show definitely doesn't have it down yet. I'm not saying that the reviews should be buoyed by what the show might be down the road, just that I'm surprised that the show really wasn't afforded a feeling out process at all.

The source material has nothing to do with getting the balance and rhythm of a weekly television drama down, though. These are things that, theoretically, will improve as the season goes along and the actors settle into their roles and the writers figure out which plot-lines are going to work long term and which won't.

I'm really surprised just how a short a leash some portions of the public (though not FOX) are giving this show, especially considering that there's potential here. People are getting antsy after four(!) episodes. It's not shocking that the show hasn't found its footing yet, given that the show has barely existed at

I puzzled over FJ for some time, ultimately settling on "Babe Ruth" (under the guess that Ruth had died in 1947). When Trebek said, "Very important year" or whatever prior to revealing everybody's responses, my mind immediately went to Robinson. Really annoyed with myself that I didn't think of that, given that I was

I shall cherish my Rams getting a Monday Night Football appearance. I don't expect normal human beings to cherish it, but I would not be shocked at all if the game ended up being really entertaining. Both of these teams are a little all-over-the-place. Let me recap the Rams bizarre season for you: Absolute demolition

It was a good win, but depending on Nick Foles in the playoffs would terrify me if I was an Eagles fan. The NFC is such a flawed conference that it might not matter, though. You have Seattle, who (today's loss aside) is as rock solid as you get in the NFL. Then you have the Packers? The Panthers? The 49ers? The Bears?

Had an interesting double-feature tonight. First up was 'Wolf Creek,' which I'd never seen before. Was surprised by how subdued it was. I had expected a ton of over-the-top gore, but other than the scene with the knife and the fingers, the whole movie was oddly restrained. Might venture into sequel-land with 'Wolf