Restraining orders can make certain things tricky.
Restraining orders can make certain things tricky.
I sort of side with Cutter in that whole bizarre back and forth with the judges. He came across a little bit too aggressively, but I think he legitimately wanted clarification as to why his cake was being deemed too sweet when he thought it tasted fine. That's fair enough for a high stakes cooking competition, and the…
I'll be very interested to see how the second season stacks up. For one thing, Pizzolatto doesn't have experience with doing this over and over again. Quite possible that it was a lightning in a bottle kind of deal where he got just the right cast/director/pop cultural moment. He's also clearly very plugged in to…
Went on a horror kick this weekend and watched 'Oculus,' 'Devil's Pass,' 'Willow Creek' and 'Sinister.' I was most psyched to watch 'Willow Creek.' Good reviews and I'm a person who loved 'The Blair Witch Project.' I didn't really think there was a way to fuck up 'The Blair Witch Project: Now With Bigfoot,' but the…
I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. Some days I'll feel like I'm in a Jeopardy! groove and other days, I won't have a feel for it at all. Today was definitely one of the "other days."
I watched 'Noah' tonight and was surprised by how good it was. Part of it is the direction and part of it is Russell Crowe's commitment to the part. I know the film's not going to get serious award consideration, but I think his performance will end up being one of my favorites of the year. There aren't many actors…
Not if the advance words you are reading are those on this website's review.
I love it and still love it. Its emotional beats really get to me.
My two favorites would probably be 'Godzilla' and '22 Jump Street' at the moment. Both were really fun movie experiences. The acting in 'Godzilla' was just decent enough for me not to be rolling my eyes every thirty seconds like I was with 'Pacific Rim,' and obviously Big G was great on the special effects front. Yay…
I'm glad i'm not the only one who momentarily tripped over the structure of that sentence. At a certain point when you list too many actors, the reader's mind skips to the last name and forgets everything that preceded that name. Better make sure your last name on list isn't "Channing Tatum" and you're not following…
Was it? That would be silliness on NBC's part. I understand that Amy Poehler has the keys to the NBC car, but they have to understand that the thing has a high probability of cratering.
Hell, humankind almost collapsed several months back when Gmail went down for a few hours.
Hey look, some television shows that are going to be canceled.
I think the chirping exists solely so that it can be used as a tired joke in sitcoms. "Smoke detector's beeping and it's driving me crazy! You can relate to that! Laugh at this situation, peasant!"
"Helpless"- Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
"Dire Wolf"- The Grateful Dead
"She's Nineteen Years Old"- Muddy Waters
"Bull Rider"- Johnny Cash
"Strolling Down the Highway"- Nick Drake
Is any human on earth actually "good with Excel"?
What a cute little Newswire headline.
This show makes the room get awful dusty at times. For me, the plot itself is secondary to just the general mood set in each episode. The pacing is spectacular. Even in this one, where we had to get through an awful lot of plot points—Vanessa snubs Dorian! Monster fired from theater! Frankenstein agrees to create…
I wonder how much they actually know about vampires. Do we ever see any character besides Frankenstein interacting with Van Helsing? Also, at least in the case of the theater, I suppose you can't bloody well go marching in guns blazing during the day when people are working.
The itchy trigger finger on music drives me crazy, especially at parties. Nothing breaks up the flow of a social gathering like music being fucked with. It's supposed to be a background thing that adds to the ambiance, whatever the ambiance of said party might entail. Partygoer should not be aware of the music…