Mark Lindquist

See, I would argue that Jefra was the baseline definition of competence. Nobody disliked her, she was always distinctly middle of the pack in challenges, she was part of the majority alliance, she briefly considered making a strategic move and then opted to stay pat, she did enough around camp that people weren't

One thing I've never understood: Why should showing people the idol scare off a blindside? If you're actually pulling it off right, the person can wear the idol at Tribal and will STILL have no clue you're going to do it. It makes it more of a tightrope walk, obviously, but had everybody in Tony's alliance decided

There was an easy way for them to avoid drawing rocks if she had flipped, but Spencer did not open that door: Had Spencer told her about the idol, she could have told him who Tony and co. were going to vote for. Idol used on Jeremiah, Woo goes home. This occurs in the alternate universe where Spencer uses the idol

Assuming Spencer doesn't win, I think he is absolutely going to be back. Woo, eh. I could take him or leave him. He makes me smile and sometimes brings a chuckle, but unless something is happening and they need a bit of laid-back narration, he is useless. I would even prefer Jefra's return to Woo's. She

Unless Trish/Kass team up with Spencer/Tasha, split their votes on Tony and Woo, Tony gets paranoid and gives Woo the normal idol, Tony is forced to play his own to avoid the revote (I assume you can only play the TP idol after the initial votes are read, though with this stupid thing, who knows), thus leaving Spencer

Spectacular idea. I'm guessing the reason they don't do it is that it would consume a little too much time, but they could even stretch it out over two episodes—challenge thingie one episode to earn the money (and maybe there's a reward for the top two or something), auction next episode.

I think the real problem with flipping on Jefra is that his alliance, who already had trust issues, now has legitimate reason to target him earlier than they would have. Had he played it by the book, I think they get down to Final Five, vote off Jefra, then duke it out—and with his idols, he would be sitting pretty.

For the first part of the season, Tony annoyed me (playing far, far too frantically for that portion of the game), but he's grown on me episode by episode and now I just sit back and enjoy the ride on the crazy train. Very few players turn around for me like he did. Usually, when I dislike a player, I dislike them,

That really would be the most entertaining final, wouldn't it? And if it did come to that, i think Spencer would win. He hasn't angered potential jury members. As for Tony's edit, he was going to get a huge amount of screen-time, win or lose, because he is fucking insane.

They're like brother and sister.

This is my guess. It seemed like a preconceived idea, and really, I thought Spencer's acting was awful. It's hard to fake nonchalance, and he did not do it well. Obviously he did it well enough to freak out Tony, though, so I'm not taking anything away from him. I also opt not to give him the Academy Award.

Well that was entertaining. Leo would be impressed by the inception job that Spencer did on Tony to make him believe that the women were all planning on destroying him—to the point where he even put on his immunity idol, an idol that HE HAD ALREADY SHOWN TO EVERYBODY. They already know you have it, crazy human. Do

If you're going to have special power-ups floating around the island, why not mix things up? Say have one hidden immunity idol, one idol that gives you an advantage in a challenge, one that lets you choose which team you want to be on when competing for reward, one that allows you to punch Tony in the face without

Fuck post-credit scenes. They were sort of cool when Marvel started doing them because they were new and unexpected (sometimes, you wouldn't even know they existed until you were reading reviews later). Now, if I get up in a theater at the end of a movie and everybody else remains sitting, I just sort of roll my

I heard the same, and likewise, still haven't seen it. It's one of those movies that never makes my final cut of "what should I watch for movie night?" but is always on the fringe of the final cut. At some point in my life I'm sure I'll decide that that's the movie I want to watch, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it at

Oh yeah, that's understood. I understand that some people are not on board for their cotton candy blues rock, which is fair enough. Cotton candy is sticky and if you eat too much of it you get a killer headache that sounds like the riff to "Tighten Up." Lots of empty calories there.

I'm not going to argue that they're some cutting edge rock band that pushes the sonic limits and moves the genre forward. They aren't that. There's a place in the world for slick, catchy guitar songs, though. There will always be a place for bands like The Black Keys and I don't really see this as an issue. I like

"Chaos is My Friend" for Survivor, eh? Sooooooooo, another Tony episode. More importantly, this is the Survivor auction episode, which is always my favorite. Yay!

Video categories are always really really annoying and slow the game down horribly. I guess I understand why they exist (note: I don't actually understand why they exist), but any players who intentionally shoot for the video category should be punished.

Joke that has probably already been made: I'm just going to pretend that Oscar Issac and Adam Driver are continuing on with the adventures they started in 'Inside Llewyn Davis.'