Mark Lindquist

While I'm sure there are some people who are bitter about him leaving the show, I'm not really seeing bitterness in this comment thread. More yer usual snark about a silly story.

'Titanic' is swell. A fine three hour melodrama with cool special effects, perfectly enjoyable. Unfortunately, it won a bunch of Oscars and thus became automatically overrated. I turn off my inner-critic for 'Titanic' and just go with it. Worked for the Oscar voters, works for me.

This sounds like a fantastic movie. Not snarkin'.

It's not like they're holding a gun to her head. If she actually wanted better than this, she would do other things. I'm sure she's enjoying the barrels of money that are rolled in each day.

Sure he has reason to complain. People, in general, suck and unlike the rest of us, Harrison Ford has to deal with people whenever he goes into public. That must blow. I don't feel sorry for him, but I completely understand why he has become a cantankerous old human.

I haven't watched episode yet, but I clicked on review to see the grade, and then I started reading the first sentence, and then I finished reading the first sentence. That was a major, major mistake on my part.

This episode is one where the A and B stories on their own aren't spectacular, but when you put them together in the same episode, GOLD. When I started reading the review, I was thinking, "Oh yeah, the bowling one, that one's solid," and then was like, "Oh my sweet hallelujah, it's the one with the school uniforms,

Love that the first portion of the season was all about how Jack felt guilty for pushing Will too far, yet almost the minute Will's released Jack takes him to a creepy kidnapping shed. Give him a little room to breathe, Jack? Hopefully they stopped by a Dairy Queen or something first. If anybody deserves an ice

I would be surprised if Alana's still alive by the end of the season. We've gotten a lot of foreshadowing…

I thought we agreed to retire the term "Fannibals."

All movie trailers within a given genre are more or less the same. They're movie trailers.

Ah, those innocent days where you could buy a book for $2.95.

Oh Morgan, you silly goose. When Jefra's laughing at everything you're saying, you're probably going in the wrong direction. As for relevant players, Spencer had three options, one of which was sketchy, one of which was OK, one of which was risky but would have paid dividends if it had worked: First option was to

It's not that he's anti-charisma. It's just that he's a normal human being. Guys like Cochran or Tony, who jump off the screen, are outliers to the rest of society. Most of us would suck on TV.

When they spent multiple minutes of the Tribal Council on Morgan saying silly things, that was the editing kiss of death.

Whoever can resist spending $500 on peanut butter and crackers.

It's been better, but I still have all of my limbs and haven't been poisoned by anybody. I probably shouldn't complain.

"Stairway to Heaven"- Led Zeppelin
"Pity and Fear"- Death Cab for Cutie
"BBC"- Jay Z
"You Ain't Going Nowhere"- Joan Baez
"So Long Frank Lloyd Wright"- Simon and Garfunkel

I clicked on the article to read about how we're all going to get viruses, but then saw a mention of Minesweeper and will talk about that instead. I'm really good at the game. My best time on Beginner is 1 second, my best time on Intermediate is 19 seconds, and my best time on Expert is 71 seconds. I am the least

The horse has left the barn! Close the fucking door and seal him in!