I enjoy new album. Nothing groundbreaking there, but the energy and enthusiasm is infectious.
I enjoy new album. Nothing groundbreaking there, but the energy and enthusiasm is infectious.
That was an absolutely pathetic game.
Has anybody ever said Candyman x 3 in front of a mirror before? I never have and never will. I'm only occasionally superstitious, but I always, always enjoy the lack of hooks being driven through my abdomen.
You are the 1,000,000th person who claims to have been the "only one" who enjoyed 'Prometheus.' Form a support group already, guys.
Risk pretty much destroyed my childhood. Board games in general just cause awful things to happen.
That "Break the Bank" rule seems like a great way to quickly get all the money torn in half. How many games can you go through clawing at paper before it tears?
You've just listened to one of the great albums in the history of pop, now here are some inferior covers of the songs you just listened to! Enjoy!
I love 'Pure Heroine' unequivocally, but have no particular feelings one way or another about "Royals." On that album, it's maybe the fifth or sixth best song. Anybody expecting Lorde to have a full, nuanced view of the world is expecting far too much. She's 17. It's almost impossible to actually think things when…
The title track is such a beautiful, beautiful thing. The mere fact that it exists makes me feel happy.
They aren't huge because their songs are not catchy enough for radio. The Black Keys are infectiously hooky.
I think 'Brothers' is a legitimately great album. So many hooks.
Most obvious example of dumb marketing that I can think of is for 'The Grey.' Advertised as WOLF PUNCH WITH LIAM NEESON, a bunch of people came in expecting another solid actioneer and were disappointed that it was more about melancholy mortality pondering.
Well, 'Twilight' is an easy one. The books cemented a fanbase. All the movies had to do was exist and they were going to make money.
I will watch this television program.
That was an unexpected shot at Grantland. I roll my eyes at some things Grantland, but they aren't 'People' magazine. They occasionally think they're a little more clever than they are, and it can come off as smarmy, but that's the Internet. Everybody thinks they're more clever than they are.
Krusty shows a remarkable amount of work ethic for Krusty.
A is the most logical. She's not that far from the stairs and she has a gun. If she goes to a corner, she gives Hannibal a chance to get a weapon (assuming he's not already armed, which I guess we can't assume) and she's literally cornering herself. If she fires the test shot, she's wasting a bullet. Option D is…
I know some people in this thread lament that the show had to go the cliche lone-ranger-investigates-killer's-house way, but I was personally quite pleased by it. We're watching a weekly horror movie. If they can't at least occasionally indulge in horror tropes, what's the fun of that?
That is a lot of hashtags.