Mark Lindquist

Thanks for bringing on this shitstorm, Tim, really appreciate it.

A better question is, why does Halle Berry keep signing on for awful science fiction/fantasy productions? The problem is that these productions suck, not that Halle Berry is somehow bringing them down and they would awesome if only she wasn't involved.

Science, like art, is niche. It always has been. The vast majority of people simply don't care. They'll never care. A television show about the universe isn't going to change the fact that 9-5 Worker Johnny and Jill have no interest. That may be a cynical way for me to look at it, but I think it's true. Which is

Good thing I cut a triangle sized groove into my leg. This thing is going to be a breeze to carry around.

I read a few Pizzolatto interviews in the middle of the season, but decided not to read the deluge of ones that came near the end. What I find interesting about him is less what he thinks of what's happening on his show (does not matter to me) and more the fact that he came out of the middle of nowhere. I don't

I don't think scientists give a shit about the unknowing adults. And vice versa.

Well, it's not a COMPLETELY unfuckupable show. It's easy for serial killer/cult/detective stories to fall into cliche as they try to wrap up the plot. The worst thing the show could probably do (outside of trying to pull off some crazy twist) is turn this finale into Epic Showdown with Lawnmower Guy and Cronies.

We've reached that point as a society where it is no longer strange that Jonah Hill is starring in actual movies. I never thought we'd get there…

To be fair to her, Jefra was in a four-person alliance and then Morgan came up to her and claimed to be in an alliance of three. In a tribe of six people, I would be confused, too.

A part of me yearns to see Wes Anderson break out of his comfort zone. Maybe it will even happen some day. I don't actively dislike any of his movies, but there are only a few that I truly love ('Rushmore,' namely) because there's just something about most of his films that keeps them from reaching any true

I eagerly await Tony's spectacular crash and burn. He's entertaining-ish, but not in a way that is satisfying to watch. That'll happen when you think you're smarter than you are…

Let's be serious: Bro Bands don't get reviewed on Pitchfork. Anybody who's sharing The National isn't sharing Nickelback.

It's incredibly problematic for Vampire Weekend. They're too popular for hipsters to enjoy and they're not popular enough for normal humans to listen to.

"All his novels seem to suffer from going on too long."

A Facebook friend who I went to high school with praises Dean Koontz to the sky. Welcome to Idaho.

At this point, I don't think there's enough time left for the show to make that a believable thing. Marty, Rust and Maggie are in the clear, me thinks.

I have watched it. Confirm my past self's feelings as being accurate in the present. A C grade is legitimately mediocre. This wasn't that. This was anywhere from B- to B+ territory. Ah, fuck it. I hate using arbitrary grades to define things. I enjoyed the episode and found it interesting to see two guys

I haven't seen the episode yet, but I saw the grade and immediately swam to the comments in order to register a preemptive WTF?

Yo, robot, your sentence makes no sense. Though I am impressed by a different font being applied to the "C" in .com. Do you have a pamphlet?

I can barely remember anything from it. I seem to recall liking it enough for what it was as I was watching it, but after I exited theater I decided that I hated it and never wanted to watch it again. Every movie that Zack Snyder is involved with has this effect on me. I don't think I've seen any particular Snyder