Mark - Sixpots None The Richer
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...and this is for all the peones who like me get the effin’ message: “The uploader has not made this video available in your country” because, what the eff’ that’s so racist!!! #othercountriesmatter #othercountriesneverforget #othercountrieswilleffupyours

Buffalo Police Department has released survalience footage from last night’s incident.

ryan gosling able to drive his mustang backwards at the same pace as a Chrysler 300 srt8. Also audible gear changes from gosling in reverse:

Religious extremists are dangerous, yes, and I doubt anybody’s suggesting that we be more welcoming and accepting of them. The problem is that it’s hard to determine who’s an extremist and who’s not because people can lie, so barring costly background checks that are sure to miss the people who’ve been careful (the

This was way more exciting to watch than any recent F1 event. SORRY NOT SORRY !

I think I’ll watch Ronin and Heat back-to-back for that extra-special DeNiro outing.

Surfs a flaming Suburban into a lake. Leaps from the blazing inferno... and holds his nose like a little girl before he hits the water.

Obligatory post of my father’s A110 1600SC :)

While it’s true a majority of sharks don’t eat people, it’s also true a majority of the animals in the ocean that eat people are sharks. When will the so-called “moderate” sharks step up and condemn this violence?

Stop putting people in the ocean! Do you want sharks? Because that’s how you get sharks.

That shark looks really rapey. Do sharks have a rape culture? I’m not feeling safe

well how else was I supposed to change the plugs and wires?!

Better man than me. Those bastards would be sleeping in a tent down by the river

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It’s not a good neon burnout unless the clutch tries to escape through the hood..