Mark - Sixpots None The Richer

This reminds of the power station in Tysssedal, Norway, I visited a few months ago:

“Vasili, give me a honk. One honk only, please!”

Uuh, nice! This car is definetely my cup of tea - with different wheels, but I respect your decision.

Perfect timing for this question because I’m exactly at this point right now...

Oh, Walter...

Great News!

Yes! :-)

Let me rephrase:

Not a spectacular answer, but the truth:

2CV (Not the actual car):

Great shirt, but there is a "c" missing in the word Meistershaft. It's spelled Meisterschaft.

You are right, I'm an idiot. ;-)

We are talking about BMW, so they will find a niche for sure. But I can't see anything bigger than the current 6 Series in the near future.

Does this count? I think it does...

The Warthog Mobile

"I grew up with Serbian public transport. This is nothing!"