Mark - Sixpots None The Richer

“Vasili, give me a honk. One honk only, please!”

Uuh, nice! This car is definetely my cup of tea - with different wheels, but I respect your decision.

Perfect timing for this question because I’m exactly at this point right now...

Oh, Walter...

Great News!

Yes! :-)

Let me rephrase:

Not a spectacular answer, but the truth:

2CV (Not the actual car):

Great shirt, but there is a "c" missing in the word Meistershaft. It's spelled Meisterschaft.

We are talking about BMW, so they will find a niche for sure. But I can't see anything bigger than the current 6 Series in the near future.

Does this count? I think it does...

The Warthog Mobile

"I grew up with Serbian public transport. This is nothing!"

"I think they want to defect!"

The only thing missing to officially make this the greenest picture I've ever seen, is a barefeet and cross-legged Al Gore breast-feeding an orphaned Panda on the lawn in front of the car.

It's easy to mock them for this video since they only have one carrier and basically only the power of pathos going for them.