
First they came for our phonographs, now this? Next you'll be telling me that Laserdiscs have sold out.

"Accio fake outrage!"

Palmer doesn't have the money to hire a lawyer to pursue the case

How can she violate a sales contract that was broken when the company failed to fulfill it?

He probably doesn't have a superpower that forces people to come knock on his door, so 2nd degree.

Throwing up after two beers in an hour too. These guys party hard!

They were just trying to save Charming. Get off their case, bro.

This woman is talking completely out of her ass. Because I know of no cultures where this isn't so. In a lot of places, boys and girls are separated. It's not a form of misogyny because the girls think the boys are just as awful. I hated boys when I was a 10 year old girl because they were loud, gross and too silly.

She doesn't get along with catty bitches and is a total "guy's girl"? Someone call the prize committee, bc I have a new candidate for the....

Future "Worst Fucking Boss in the Whole Fucking World" material here. Yikes.