
I'm trying to imagine a scene in those movies about going through a toll booth had any point. But I just can't for some reason.
If the movie counter-factually had MORE well drawn characters and conversations, it would have been a different movie. It might well have been a better one, but those no particular reason to

I'm glad I'm not the only one that remembers that: I seem to recall that America in that one was completely undeveloped, essentially a giant hunting reserve for the King, because the British of course had nothing to do with the Industrial Revolution and no interest in making money.

"DO something awards? Shouldn't they be called DID something? And whaddabout those Academy Awards? Who's this Oscar everyone's talking about?"

"DO something awards? Shouldn't they be called DID something? And whaddabout those Academy Awards? Who's this Oscar everyone's talking about?"

Collaborate is fine, if used in the "Occupied Europe" sense of the word, e.g. "Lavigne collaborated with Kroeger to send music to the death camps of the Canadian steppes."

Collaborate is fine, if used in the "Occupied Europe" sense of the word, e.g. "Lavigne collaborated with Kroeger to send music to the death camps of the Canadian steppes."

@SisterMaryFrancis:disqus , Canada gave you guys Celine Dion and Justin Bieber. In return, you get to shoot down Soviet bombers on our territory. That's the deal, and we are NOT updating it.

@SisterMaryFrancis:disqus , Canada gave you guys Celine Dion and Justin Bieber. In return, you get to shoot down Soviet bombers on our territory. That's the deal, and we are NOT updating it.

That the Ukranian government has behaved badly doesn't excuse anything about this movie, which in effect casts the actual living victims of Chernobyl as the monsters. "Jimmy hit Bobby first!" is not a good reason for you to hit Bobby too.

That the Ukranian government has behaved badly doesn't excuse anything about this movie, which in effect casts the actual living victims of Chernobyl as the monsters. "Jimmy hit Bobby first!" is not a good reason for you to hit Bobby too.

The fruit hung irresistibly low this week, I see.

Most other organization's main reason for being isn't arbitrating public morality under the claimed sanction of God Almighty. Also, the widespread and decades long cover-up by authority figures adds to the particular ugliness of Church abuses.

I would love to read something this snarky being written about the costumed fan-boys crying into their Vader helmets over the Star Wars re-boots. So much more gratifying, apparently, to mock teenage girls than bite the hand that feeds one.

They missed James Ransone - Ziggy, from season 2 of the Wire, also a major role on Generation Kill.