So the cig actually made you expel the bad stuff from you? that’s a good thing than, no?
So the cig actually made you expel the bad stuff from you? that’s a good thing than, no?
I per day can also be 1 pack at a once a month drunken saturday night out. I know people like that. They have no problem with long bus or plane rides like i do. And they don’t HAVE to smoke. But that 1 time every month or two, they enjoy it and want it.
You are a bit too literal, or something.
Not tobacco.. Inhaling any SMOKE in your lungs makes you a smoker.
I don’t understand these percentages.. Statistically, it should be so that 50% die earlier, 50% die later than average, or no? excluding car accidents and such extreme unrelated cases, of course..
Awful advice to skip this, I think. Browning is the point of any meat preparation. By far the most important component.
I don’t get it, commercially available oatmeal is cooked in under 5 minutes anyway?
As a European potatoeater, please enlighten me.. Why would rice require a separate device to cook it, if you already own a pan? (other than non-rice related things like timers and such)
As a European potatoeater, please enlighten me.. Why would rice require a separate device to cook it, if you already…
Who washes the blender?
It looks like a tumor. Or like full diapers.
I think aero was draining much more power, if were gonna be honest.
That was my first reaction too. Gizmodo, or at least some "writers" here, is just click hungry.
Don't wait for ASUS, just download the drivers from nvidia. In all likelihood, those are better, newer, and with fewer bundled crap.
The only credible way is to install W7 and W8 on THE SAME MACHINE. New machines have brighter screens and are thiner.. They might have smaller capacity batteries.
It's hard for me to express myself over the internet. Obviously, I will not shoot anyone in the face :)
I'd still shoot you in the face :)
It's stupid to buy a lottery ticket that costs 2$ and you will not feel it because it's wasteful, but if you do win it, you should waste that money on items that are 100% ridiculously stupid and over the top? Why should a lottery winner not buy some safe stock, or land or something with long term benefits?
Worst gizmodo post ever?
Surface is not 11.6
This is the default facebook that appears on my wp when my view is set tob"mobile".