The slightly nicer than Ford/not quite as nice as Lincoln brand, that, in its later years, decided to try to reinvent itself as an understated aspirational car for single career women. Yep, they actually tried that.
My mother bought the last Mercury our local dealer had, a white Milan. I though the whole purpose of Mercury was to give the Lincoln dealers something to sell in volume, but have it not be a basic Ford.
Yeah, but there were 40 years of rot before they finally put it down.
Mercury: because you want a slightly up-optioned Ford. But not too up-optioned to buy a Lincoln.
Im not sure if this is quite at “Torch-weird” or “Tracy-weird” levels, but I owned a professionally rebuilt engine from the Chevy Citation/Pontiac Phoenix for 17 years.
The 1990 Chevrolet Caprice Classic my parents bought new when I was 3. We went everywhere in it and all I ever wanted was for it to be my first car. I think my parents held on to it longer than they would normally have done just because they knew how badly I loved it. It did end up being my first car, it was my baby.…
There was a lifted Bronco II, pale blue, probably on 33's - which were big at the time - at the local mechanic/used car dealer. I would stare at it every day on the bus, on the way to school and on the way home. I swore I would buy it when I turned 16. It sat at the dealership, seemingly forever though probably two…
Those were my favorite...