Snuze: Needs another Swede

In a way the Malibu is like a 1-model Cadillac case study - it's a name that used to have meaning but they burned up all their cachet by making shit under that name for the last 20 years. They are finally starting to make it a good car in the last couple of years, but I think it's just too conservative. It looks ok, I

This article made me want to go look at Chevrolet's configurator, and I swear I don't get some of their option combinations/limitations.

The answer is undoubtedly yes. I mean, they've already made M SUVs and crossovers, so why not just go whole hog and M all the things?

What kills me in all of this is how everyone complains that "they" live by one set of rules and "we" live by a different set. Then on this rare occasion when one of "them" is held accountable, everyone gets their panties in a wad and the whole thing turns into a victim blaming pile of crap.


At any time the driver can override the system by just tapping the accelerator, but at that point they'll have to deal with the stresses of ensuring they're not speeding.

Remember, police cars spend a lot of time idling (not really good for a car) and occasionally get driven very hard (also not really good for a car). It's not just 100k miles, it's 100k of hard miles, and many many more hours on the engine per mile than your average car normal car. It's a lot of wear and tear.

Why or why not?

Was the manual transmission an option on these cars?

Holy ratio spread, Batman! The 15:1 ratio spread from 1st to 6th boggles my mind. That's similar to many tractor trailers, except they spread the ratios out over 10-18 gears.

My dad has a good friend who is not a car guy. He had a little Ford Courier pickup that he only ever added oil to, never changed it. 127k miles on it when he traded it in... it smoked like a somabitch but was still running.

As a lover of military vehicles... *HNNNNG*

I got a two-fer of vintage land speed racing cars.

You're making me want to move back so badly. But my wife doesn't want to leave her family.

You might be on to something here... You know the QOTD last week about cars sold as pairs? I think this is the perfect combo. How does this sound:

Behold, the Jalopwagon:

That's possible, but I think unlikely, unless it's sever dementia or something like that.

I know some really terrible women drivers, but they would be no where close to this bad. This person has to be severely impaired, either by drugs, or possibly a mental handicap. And I don't want to live in a world where that's not the case.

That might actually be best driver!

That seriously has to be drugs. I can't think of another possible explanation.