Snuze: Needs another Swede

But is the clutch any better than the current 500? I drove one a few weeks ago when car shopping and it was so god awful that I completely crossed the 500 off my list of cars to buy.

You get a <3 click for mentioning the K1 Attack. I love those things and really, at some point, want to build one. Along with a million other projects that I'll probably never finish. Still, K1 Attack!!!

I'll say though, I actually like it in a bizarre way. Not the most beautiful car I've ever seen, but not bad either.

I was in the race shop one day at school last spring and we were working on the FSAE car with the garage door open. This guy wandered in and asked if we could give him a jump because his car won't start.

How about some turbo compounding? Thats right, instead of a turbine boosting a large piston engine, its a piston engine supplementing a turbine!!!

I wish I could, but Slobalt got smashed in an accident last week, so I need a vehicle like yesterday. As it stands I am thinking about grad school, so I need to try to stay in my price range and I think I'm just going to end up getting something practical and have it for a few years, so will probably get a Veloster

Gotcha. Where do you go to school? I have an old Navy friend who goes to University of Colorado at Boulder. And my aunt and uncle have a place near Buena Vista for the summers. Need to get out there one summer to visit.

Completely understandable. I live in DC though, so if it snows more than an inch or so the whole damn place shuts down anyways. I also don't need to carry a lot junk, the gf has a Lexus RX and I have access to my folks 1 ton Dually, so hauling is no problem for me. As far as a beater, I think you're right. Like I

After doing a lot of car shopping the past few days, I feel like the sad reality is this thing is going to end up way more than $20k. Everything is damn expensive. Hell, Versa's are over $11k now and the Accent's start at like $15k. I suspect *maybe* a stripped out Scion FR-S could be had for like $23~24k, but to

Luckily I have no wife to worry about at the moment. In any case it would probably be out of my price range (looking to be around $20k). The future Mrs. Slobalt likes the Hyundai Veloster though, so I have a feeling its going to be that. Although I am kicking around the idea of buying a used crap box to use for the

So here I am, wanting an FT-86, and in need of a car since the 'Balt is totaled. Why couldn't this thing have come out to market sooner? Damn you Toyota, damn you!!!

I'm gonna need a place to crash...

I've seen 2 of these in person, and my god, they are delicious. Honestly, I'd pay just about anything he asked for it.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Welcome aboard, Justin! I just hope you have what it takes to put up with Jalopnik.

I would try to say something funny or smarmy, but nothing's coming to me. So I'll jut say goodbye. And best of luck to you at Yahoo! and in all your other future endeavors. Don't be a stranger.


You bring up a lot of valid points. I don't follow Indy too closely, although I was starting to get back into after attending the Baltimore Grand Prix. The anti-interlocking system sounds quite interesting, and I hope it works as intended.

I think you have a very valid point there, but as much as crashes differ, they are also in many ways alike. What kills drivers is usually either fire or the force of the impact. It seems like with safety fuel cells, engine electronics with fuel cutoffs, and in-car fire suppression systems, the fire risk is low. So

Am I the only one who has been wondering why it takes a major death in a particular motor sport to begin the push for safety change, for that sport? Now hear me out on this...