Snuze: Needs another Swede


I think you have a valid point, it had been conceived. In fact, I believe it was the game Grand Theft Auto III, actually had a mission in it where you had to ram a plane into a building, and it was in production months before 9/11. In fact, they delayed the shipment of the game for several months so the designers

Thank you.

Thank you for the nomination. I just wish it was for something more witty and less somber. But thanks anyways.

No, it doesn't bother me at all. It would cost an obscene amount of money to keep even 2 planes ready to roll at only the major Air Force bases in the country 24/7. Not to mention it would be incredibly taxing on the personnel and squadrons involved in terms of material support and morale. And quite frankly, there

I'll chime in here on a few recurring comments I've seen. I'm by no means an expert but did spend several years on aviation side in the Navy, though I delt more with helos than fixed wings.

The hour probably also includes time to land, taxi over to the hangar, load the ammo (planes have an internal magazine and the linked rounds have to be fed in, the drum has to be checked to make sure everything is loaded right and its not going to jam up, etc). Then you have to refuel (I'm not certain but I think

I was mostly being facetious. Although if Porsche wants to give me a job, I would gladly accept.

I spent the summer designing test fixtures for the Navy. Everything I made came out almost perfectly; one part needed about 1/16th inch of clearance grinding on an 8" long edge to get the test item to fit. Everything else was spot on.


Damn Nibbles!

Mmm... Fuelie...



I was at NOB for the better part of 2 years, I lived in Breezy Point, the little apartment complex 1 block from the base. It used to take me 30~40 minutes to drive to work in the morning.

Been there, done that too. I actually live in Tysons Corner now. I spent the summer commuting around 495 to 301 to go down to Dahlgren for an internship, and I spend the school year commuting the other way up to University of Maryland. I am well versed in the ways of beltway traffic.

Three words...

I humbly submit the Subaru Outback for consideration. It was simple, reliable, versatile and with Subaru's rally heritage is not exactly boring. What more could you want in a compact sedan?

Been there too with a dealer in Massachusetts. Saw an ad for a black Audi S4; had 37k miles, two tone interior, and BBS rims for like $20,000. The place was full of a bunch of shady looking guys who were either Saudis or Persians, and I only bring this up because only one guy in the whole dealership spoke decent

This type of thing is more common than you think...