Snuze: Needs another Swede

Why can't these clowns just make some normal shit?

I used to have a WRX. Sold it to a guy who made it into an SCCA Club Rally car. So at least my old baby has pedigree.

Wow, I think I am in love. I've always had a bit of a crush on the Morgans. I like the retro-sports-roadster thing. Reminds me of the early Jaaags and such.

I need a turbo car in my life again...

I actually am a little jelly. Wish I got to do something that awesome when I was in the Navy. I just got out a year ago; I spent 6 years in and most of it around marines. The problem is it was the kind that go underwater. Still, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Stay safe out there, and Semper Fi!

You knew it was coming...

There has been so much Ferrari love in the Car Porn lately, it brings a little tear to my eye. I love being part of a community that appreciates Ferrari for what they are as race cars, not status symbols.

Sad but true :(

Thanks for the heartclick!

I saw a few back in the spring at the Import Carlisle show. I really love them, and I agree, they seem like solid little cars. I love the styling on them and I know they are supposed to be very light weight. I'd love to get my hands on one and swap a Solstice GXP drivetrain in it. I don't need anything crazy, but

I'm planning to be in Europe for spring semester, although I'm going to Spain. But my sister's boyfriend will be in Germany for a few month or two while I'm there, so I know I'll be going up there some. I just don't know how I'd get something like that back to the states.

That is the best idea I've heard all day.

Don't ask me why. I just have the desire to get one and stuff the guts from a Pontiac Solstice GXP in it.

Amen brother.

Oh, she loves that shit too. For such an intelligent young woman, she has the worst taste in TV...

I showed this to the girlfriend just now, she loves it...

When I was in the Navy stationed up in Connecticut, one of my riding buddies had a Hayabusa. We were going to go up to Loring to watch the LSR's, but something came up and I couldn't make it. So a few weeks after that I'm at his place and he's like ohh, look what I got for the bike... He pulls out a box and out

I took a business management class this last semester and that was a huge point our professor brought up. Our professor was involved in several start-ups and several multi-million dollar companies, so he knows his shit, and I trust him when he says companies are checking on this stuff so keep the stupid shit off

I had to do that. It sucked. I was trying to get home at a reasonable time so my girlfriend and I could leave for our trip I had planned to Atlantic City and I got a speeding ticket because of it. I cross it everyday and I swear that bridge is a dick!

I love Maryland, I was born and raised there. But I do cross the bridge every day into Virginia (I work at the Naval Station) and Holy Crap! The bridge does hate everyone, and I am worried that could be me and Slobalt one day!!!