England wouldn’t agree to the arrest request, anywhere else would feel no such restraint.
England wouldn’t agree to the arrest request, anywhere else would feel no such restraint.
Obviously, if you do it on purpose it is an entirely different matter, but people do hit pedestrians on accident. I don’t think we should condemn those people to crippling debt without a means of transportation.
That’s actually how a news article is supposed to be written. The things that are absolute truthful facts are presented in a clear manner. It looks weird to people because we have had decades of opinion pieces and advertisements masquerading as news.
Scroll down to see your fellow commenters celebrating a stranger contracting a deadly virus.
IDK, I mean I’m in favor of anything that could decrease the likelihood of someone committing a violent crime, but I can’t see this having a huge effect when “imprisonment and possibility of death penalty” aren’t a deterrent. And there’re already PLENTY of people who think nothing of driving without insurance (or even…
If you’re convicted of a car-related violent felony (vehicular manslaughter / vehicular homicide), my understanding is that many/most insurers straight-up will not offer you coverage at any price. I’m totally on board with your sentiment, but I seriously doubt that anyone who’s in such a fit of ... rage? dissociative…
The driver is black. Maybe there are actual black white supremacists (Clayton Biggsby doesn't count) out there but if this is truly the case and he is one of them you might want to cite your source as I'd imagine they are pretty rare.
Bill Clinton?
That’s some True Detective S1 occulty wierdness *shudders*
Hmm yeah I think I would have a problem with a cougar chained up in someone’s backyard. lol
That’s kind of the point. Dwight’s whole thing is that his heritage is a ridiculous isolationist mishmash that he embraced because he wanted to. He’s a Pennsylvania Redneck Edgelord. His siblings all prove that it’s not his real heritage at all, and that he magnifies tiny parts of it to feel ‘unique.’
There are about 140 episodes. They are removing 4.
Being able to watch those episodes with the benefit of hindsight seems more like a step in the right direction to me than removing them.
“It still doesn’t mean a 40 year old can have sex with a 17 year old in that state.”
I think the problem is too many people read 1984, but interpreted it as an instruction manual.
I don’t want to engage in some self-masturbatory slippery slope argument, but... Seriously? Where do you draw the line?
None of this is race related. It’s all made up by soft people with no spine, a victim complex (Karens), and are attention seeking. Call it husband/ wife. Who cares? No one with working brains.
This is interesting, because AFAIK the connotation of “black” being evil and “white” being good far predates the invention of race. So I rather doubt that “whitelist” and “blacklist” were originally intended with any sort of racial implication. (The opposite may be true: those espousing race theory may have selected…