::White House official reading Splinter comments for some reason:: “OK yeah, that sounds like a great point. That’s what happened. I’ll email it out now.”
::White House official reading Splinter comments for some reason:: “OK yeah, that sounds like a great point. That’s what happened. I’ll email it out now.”
Folks, it gets better. Here is Bill Barr clearly committing perjury ten days after the phone call in which Trump said this: Er, back in May. But still, here’s what Trump said in the July call:
I’m not sure what could top holding meetings in a dark room because they were too stupid to find the light switch and too proud to ask someone who had worked there under Obama.
“I would like you to do us a favor, though.”
Most of the competent Republican staffers either already resigned from the administration or are staying as far away as possible because they know that serving in the Trump administration will end up being more of a resume killer than a resume builder.
That is a wonderful piece of kinja there.
“Thanks! Cake in the conference Room!!! Have a super day!!”
-Nancy Pelosi
BE GREEN, don’t print this email
Motherfuckers are playing checkers but they imprisoned the black pieces and tried to deport the red pieces
Bro... Bro...
I look forward to the eventual Reply-All-pocalypse.
Dear Dems,
Please disregard the memo where Trump admits to finding his daughter hot but didn’t specifically say he wanted to fuck her.
Johnny Intern - Asst to the Manager, GOP Talking Points.
Unfortunately the Trump administration only allows staffers to use @aol.com addresses.
It’s frankly amazing how fucking stupid these people are. I surprised they don’t accidentally lock themselves in their cars or closets.
Anyone still wanna go with the “their playing 4-dimensional chess” angle?
it’s particularly good that even the republicans don’t want to hammer too hard on the whole “how did your kid get a cushy job in an area you were supposed to be overseeing again” thing.
It is there to remind us that after Trump,Bill Barr is the next person who should face impeachment.
LNot so. Yesterday I went to McDonalds and ordered one large fry, and they gave me this container with more than one. So many was the same as one. Same thing! When Trump mentions Biden in a phone call three times, thats basically one time, and one is just one more than zero. Just like french fries. Treason =…
Trump is a traitor, Moscow Mitch and the republicans are traitors and Fox loves treason.