
Here Is A Dog That Looks Like Prince Fielder

DeSean Jackson's name is in the English language. English is derived, in part, from German. So why would it be shocking if DeSean Jackson were a Nazi, and led the siege of Stalingrad in 1943?

Goddamnit, Kaua'i.

Are you serious? Jesus Christ. You're actually finding ways to defend this? There's always gotta be one, doesn't there? Move to Saudi Arabia, dork.

Sounds like someone has too much free time on their hands at their security job. Don't worry, one day you'll have your opportunity to be that guy with ALL THAT POWER. You will get to tackle all the girls that might be walking behind someone else.

Freedom of movement. Her rights end at the cops' bodies, not their vicinity.

Well he did a really shit job of taking out Mr.Ole Ole walking right next to her. But hey, that 100 lb coed, slowly walking down a sidewalk had it coming.

Doesn't matter, the onus of proof isn't on her, it's on them. They need to have a reason to do something like that, there was no visible reason. You can't just assume someone is going to attack a cop because of the general direction they are walking. On the other hand, if an officer is going to cross check you with a

To be fair,that doesn't compare to the sewage the Raiders put on the field every year.

If you're going to be doing ecommerce on a sports site, how about, oh I don't know, some discounted baseball tickets? I mean, c'mon, maaaaaaan.

It seems like the Mariners would be best served to move to a more central city, say in Oklahoma.

clickbait - the mariners are not actually circling the world. you should change it to "will travel further than the 9/11 hijackers"

"I understand that it's cheaper than treatment but just because they do it to horses doesn't mean we can do it to players, Roger."

It's tough having a Twitter username that gets mistaken for a celebrity's by stupid people.

Fucking idiots. Everyone from St. Louis knows that rules aren't supposed to be written.

The fact that Erby Ferby tried to commit homicide sealed it for me.

Shamus Beaglehole, FTW!!!!

The Browns would make a special cake for Jimmy Haslam that has a file in it.

Dong submission on the photo- lower left.