Lived here for 16 years. This is all sooooo true. This city is a fetid turd.
Lived here for 16 years. This is all sooooo true. This city is a fetid turd.
You said that, but then did the opposite. I have no idea what criteria you’re using other than the one that gets Atlanta into the conversation. Which it’s not.
Man, in the Daulerio days this would have devolved into a discussion of her ass hours ago.
I also like how you make not winning since 1995 the touchstone for Atlanta then completely dismiss the cities with championship droughts that are longer for your owns subjective reasons. That’s not how logic works.
Lordy. In the most literal sense, I don’t have time to deal with how much is wrong in that post. It’s kind of staggering. Kudos for starting with facebook likes for the freaking Lakers, who are probably the second favorite team in most markets. If you’re going to shit yourself, might as well do it right away.
Can’t argue with that. Look below and you’ll see I’ve included both. I think if I had a gun to my head I’d put Buffalo number one. Diehard fans, hardly anything to show for it but hearbreak.
By the way, here’s a Braves blogger (ie, one of your own) acknowledging the issue and trying to explain it. He has a point about cherry picking Boston and Philly as comparisons, but otherwise this is pretty bleak.
You have to play semantics and tinker with the starting date just to get Atlanta into the conversation. I’ve never met a San Diegean who roots for the Lakers as opposed to the Clippers, San Diego’s old team. By and large, SD people hate LA teams.
The only way you could possibility get there is by using time since the last championship as your only goal post. Even using that criteria Minnesota, Toronto, Cincy, and Buffalo have gone longer. And Phoenix is really close.
“The Falcons’ stadium staff claims that they didn’t start pumping in fake crowd noise until 2013.” Good grief. You don’t see how that illustrates the point?
But that’s such a small population. Braves games are empty in the playoffs. The Hawks have pitiful support when theyre good and none when they are bad. The Falcons notoriously pump in crowd noise for their pathetic home crowds. It’s hard for a fanbase to be tortured when it barely exists. Compare that to Cleveland,…
I did a little experiment called “how long will it take for me to find a confederate flag on Google maps.” The answer was “immediately.”
I wouldn’t say “well”......
“The city of Atlanta hasn’t had a championship parade since 1995. Now that Cleveland won one with the Cavs, we are next. We are the most tortured sports town in America. Yay.”
Seriously though, this is what truly makes the Olympics great.
She represents America and she’s stopping to help a runner from another country? Selfish. #Hottake.
Oh lord, this official list is an abomination.
He didn’t say that precise song, but Prodigy in general.
Jesus. They deserve to suck.
Prodigy? Every game? Shit like that makes me glad they haven’t won a World Series in a century.