
Fuck cancer. Flip’s one of the good guys. Hope he gets better.

....and start a chain of fried chicken restaurants.

Well, there’s that....

“Fire and Rain” remains the GOAT for “songs played by campus sensitive guy with an acoustic guitar to woo ladies.” No one disputes this.

By the way, it’s hard to debate someone with such an awesome name. #CleganeBowl #GetHype.

Couldn’t agree more.

Wammer said it best below. This is a shitty shell game the NFL is playing. Most tax-exempt organizations would salute the troops for free.

Do you really think the NFL needs to accept $6 million dollars to pay homage to the troops (and bask in the glow they get for being patriotic)?

Oh dear God fuck the NFL. They can’t even get this right? Between this and the breast cancer scam, perhaps it’s just time they give up pretense of humanity and accept their role as a villain.

Wait, when do I finger her ass again?

YES! I thought the same thing.

The sexual tension between these two is palpable.

No Oktoberfest is complete without a tranny waitress.

They seem lovely.

Man I felt bad for those Tech fans at the game. Not so much for the loss but for the fact that they live in Lubbock.

It just hit me that this is a Big 1o vs. Big 12 game.

I hate how Weiss ducks his head at the end. Take the nuts to the face like a man!!

That dunk was so nasty it drove Vin Baker to drink.

Valium — lets take two.