Mark Chiddicks

But it hasn't been since 1987 - since 1987 three out of six Doctors have been Scots

Another white 'Englishman'? Two of the last 3, and 3 of the last 5 Doctors have been SCOTS. English and British are not the same thing!

Great, except the mention of the 'laugh track'. British TV does not use canned laughter - thats a real studio audience laughing, and always is in all British shows.

They will 100% show its her. Not the slightest doubt - a huge WTF moment for many viewers, it'd be crazy to miss the chance

Er - no. Grey Worm likes looking at Missandei because she's beautiful to look at. The inability to have sex doesn't make her not beautiful.

Arya was not laughing at her own misfortune, she was laughing at the Hound's. He's not getting paid any time soon.

No doubt they had no cause to do so -had arya said "pass me the fucking salt" at dinner that would've been jarring and shocking - but in context it makes total sense
I assure you a 17 year old sayign that word in a dramatic context is not just no big deal in the UK, its no kind of a deal at all


She's 17, and she's English. We really are not as worried about such things as you peculiar puritanical Americans

Counting what? The age of consent in the UK is 16.

Fact picked up elsewhere on the internet. The dying man Arya and the Hound met spoke almost entirely in dialogue from 'Waiting For Godot' , and Arya quoted it too ("nothing isn't good or bad, nothing's just nothing" (and since the scene was invented for the TV show, thast the scriptwriters we have to thank, not

You forgot about Doctor Who - its a VERY American list, as usual

You forgot about Doctor Who - its a VERY American list, as usual