Mark Carlson

By the current logic:

By the current logic:
I drive a Ford Explorer (sorry not sorry)

I’ll tell you why, because “my brand” (I haven’t been to church since I was in my teens, so like... 20 years now) is based on an understanding that it’s a book filled with metaphors, parables and moral stories, where evangelicals and hard-line Catholicism is based on a literal interpretation of something not meant to

What really kills me about agnostic and atheists is they seem to think Christianity is all one encompassing idea, when it’s anything but. Honestly, the condescending demeanor is a real deal killer too. Christianity, in it’s truest form, is about being kind to one another. Love thy neighbor as thy self etc. Using

Technically... he wasn’t, as that requires malice, passion or intent to be considered murder.

Because just by reading the headline, you pre-determined your opinion. It’s kinda scary honestly...

Or, to rephrase, their not willing to make the leaps that you are. It’s not a hate crime until it’s a hate crime. You don’t assume it’s gender/race/religion/sexuality related until it actually is.

Quite ironic that there have been actual, legitimate, Aokigahara documentaries that were incredibly well received because they treated the subject with maturity and somber sympathy and an attempt at understanding the subject matter, rather than some douchebro taking selfies and laughing about suicide, then publicly

Except... that’s not true. Look, no one is trying to justify the attack, but making things up to make the attack look even worse than it was, is disingenuous at best

$1.1 billion at box office is barely breaking even? Interesting hot take.

It made $1.1 billion (billion with a B) at the box office... it was unequivocally, a HUGE financial success. Whether you believe it’s a good movie, or worth the money put into it, it made tons and tons and tons (probably, by weight, literal tonnage) of money.

What about the countless comments, and accompanying articles, basically saying that since men don’t know what to say, and don’t know what it’s like, they should shut the fuck up and let the conversation happen, rather than putting in their 2 cents? Feel free to refute me, but I know what I’ve seen. Over and over and

In my experience? shockingly high. I’ve built about 12 PC’s for work, and my 3 rigs over the years and had 2 brand new out of the box PSU failures. One I’m unsure if it was bad or if I mucked it up jumping pins to cycle a coolant pump for the liquid cooling loop I installed, but yeah, still brand new out of the box

It’s so true, I had a few quick gut reactions to his problem because I’ve built my own rig a couple times, one of the first was “he should swap in a known good PSU, I had a bad thermaltake PSU right out of the box that one time”

While I can sympathize with their plight, that really has nothing to do with what I was trying to convey. People kill in the name of religion on a daily basis, that doesn’t mean those religions are preaching to go out and murder people, it’s others misinterpretation and misappropriation of said religion doing it.

That doesn’t discount others who have a shortened view of karma, and it’s effect on the present life. Karma, rebirth and reincarnation are all separate ideas, while some/many/most Indians (I don’t know, because I haven’t spent any time looking into it) may see karma as a way to justify their treatment of lower castes,

I think you’re wrong, and here’s my anecdotal reason why: I’d never heard of Logan Paul until I read an article two days ago about how he filmed and uploaded a video of a suicide victim, now it’s two days later and I’m reading yet another article about his antics in Japan. While I’m obviously only one person on this

Hot cynical take there. Plenty of good people believe in karma and put forth more good energy to the world in hopes that it returns to them. The lack of belief that people are inherently good and lack of good faith in the world is what’s really toxic. Good luck in life.

You seem to be someone who watches the show, which begs the question as to why you’re defending her behavior seeing as she admitted to physically abusing him, on camera, during the finale.

And the fact that she’s admitted, on camera, to physically attacking him? Keep trying.