Mark Tucker

It looks like it’s bored with this party and wants to get out of here and go do something fun.

Elevator Summoning Power

As a daily commuter, this would actually be plenty for me. My usual daily drive is 23 miles round-trip. Throw in a little padding for running errands and blasting the heat/AC as needed, and yeah, I could make it work.

You chose.... well.

I turned down a nice stock one of these with half as many miles for $1800 four years ago. This is highway robbery, and only because they’ve suddenly become “cool.”

That’s a Mk1 Scirocco steering wheel, not a GTI wheel. Early GTIs had a 4-spoke wheel with 4 round horn buttons. And it should have stripey seats.

I flew into Vegas for a trade show back in 2000. We were on final approach, maybe 20 feet off the ground, when suddenly the pilot guns it and we take off again, faster and harder than I thought a 737 could. We go back into the landing pattern and circle for another 45 minutes. The pilot comes on the intercom and tells

A fool and his money...

I worked for a highway sign company during the Obama years. It was great for us; we made and sold a lot of those signs...

One of my dad’s friends was a Caribou pilot in Vietnam, and told stories of fixing bullet holes with duct tape. And beer can aluminum, to bridge the bigger gaps.

“Otto,” huh?

Yep, those are good too. I just like the sliders because I’m so used to them, know where everything is by feel, and can adjust everything without looking.

At least it’s still a two-door, not a 4 door fastback...

I still maintain that the old Toyota/Nissan “four slidey levers and a button for AC” is the pinnacle of HVAC control design, and nothing else is as good, or necessary.

That Mallard is the same color scheme as our vintage trailer: a 1966 Aristocrat Land Commander (love the names of these things). Towed with an Infiniti QX4, though I’d love to get a period-correct tow vehicle for it...

No, it couldn’t.

It was probably closer to Walter from The Big Lebowski, minus the gun.

I had a dealership try to pull the “hide the keys” trick on me once.

Seems like a decent price, if you’re into that sort of thing. And if you are, good for you. Just... park it somewhere I don’t have to look at it. Jeez that thing is ugly.

You never realize how badly you need a good juvenile giggle until one comes your way... thank you, good sir. I needed this.