
I actually think that is part of what makes the movie amazing to me. It isn’t like say, and so SOOOOOOOOO sorry for this comparison, Independence Day where the aliens show up and we can see their ships and can calm down and formulate a response. It is the unknown, she has no idea what or where she is going, what she

You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.

“I’m just asking questions” is a justification for every “line of inquiry” on Ancient Aliens, too.

It’s odd when grown men still dress like teenagers.

Can we all just start pointing and laughing whenever anyone uses the term “white genocide?”

Someone please explain to me how this is “Making America Great Again”. Because this seems like yet another Trump-driven scorched-earth policy of simply trying to undo everything Obama did. Protect the rich and the corporations and fuck everyone else.

In spite of all of this, I’m still anxious that the average Trump voter will continue their mental gymnastics (deep state conspiracy, etc.) just so that they don’t have to admit that they gave their vote to a trash candidate.

I honestly believe that the amount of value I get out of using Google’s free services is well worth them guzzling my personal data. This isn’t a “what do you have to hide” argument against privacy or anything, but literally a value exchange.

Can we just skip the bad acting and get to the good stuff? Where is her stepbrother/stepfather at to help her through this tough situation?!

I know this sucks but watching trumps idiot base slowly realize they got fucked will be fun. I have no expectation that a single one of them will ever admit they were wrong but they’ll still get screwed

This isn’t an isolated problem. Eventually we will need to come to terms with the fact that democracy doesn’t work in an uneducated population. This will continue happening around the world and accelerate as things get worse because of the poor leadership elected by scared, stupid people, who will only become more

Most of us didn’t.

If you own one of these machines, or invested money in it, your right to vote should be taken away because you are fucking idiot.

He absolutely means the

He absolutely means the

I wish all cars would just die. Mostly because they’re a huge enabler of armed robbery.

Android Wear 2.0 was officially announced yesterday. Thought it would be of interest on a ‘tech’ blog.

“imagined as being in a position of power”

Unfortunately, it appears that your capacity for interpreting language properly has been decimated by the foul poison that is reheated pizza. I feel great pity for you, especially as the centers of your brain which are used to express language have been hopelessly scrambled by said poison pizza. To not know what one

Truly, you live in a paradise, full of the wonders of Man and Nature.

Milking the past. I don’t care about these stories because we know they don’t impact what we have already seen in TNG, DS9, or VOY. Hell - they are in a different reality than the movies are in a this point.