
I’ve owned a bunch of Audis. What they had was super clean interiors, they hid screens when not in use and useful buttons/knobs were easy to find while keeping your eye’s on the road. They were not super edgy in their delivery of performance but they just ate miles and corners while maintaining very good manners.

Tesla, especially CyberTruck

“Became lost while using his GPS"? I read that as "tried to cut across illegally after missing his exit"

Makes me think of the C7 too much. The wheels also make me think of Honda. I really like the C7, but find it disappointing coming from Ferrari.

Sheesh! You have to put it in a special mode for it to cope with a fucking car wash? And if not, warranty is voided! What a fucking shitshow of a design and company.

Please. Stop. Now.

Chrysler/Jeep owners sure seem bothered by brand reputations for some reason.

Was the Cybertruck driver off the trail “harvesting” a Christmas tree?

I can’t help but feel this is the dumbest story I’ve read about all week.

They want the data and the ability to charge for features / subcriptions.

This is so fucking stupid. Consumers like familiarity. And the thing they are probably the most familiar with is the phones they stick to their faces 300 times a day and the operating systems they use. To instead make a whole new OS that is totally unfamiliar is ridiculous.

The entire Vietnam episode.  That was the peak and everything since has been chasing that high.

1st gear: MPGe has always been dumb as hell... It should have been in basically mile/kwh or miles/10 kwh, which at least punishes the heavy ass square vehicles like F150 lightning and the humvee electric, and can be converted into environmental impact relatively easily if needed...

I’m just one of the absolute trash humans that just didn’t think the first game was all that special. Cool concept, interesting robot dinosaurs, beautiful visuals, been-there-done-that gameplay mechanics, bland-as-hell story, unnervingly stiff facial animations, lifeless voice acting. And all the usual open world

I disagree that you should never flash your brights in response to another car’s brights. A quick flash can often clue the other driver in to the fact that they have their high beams on, prompting them to turn them down.

Those 3 talking heads are Jay, Mike, and Rich from Red Letter Media. I love them.

50K+ and THAT interior?

Why do they have additional eyes (beyond the standard pair)?

Canceling couch co-op feels like they’re basically giving up on campaign. they got their $60 from some people, the rest played it on GamePass. Now they focus on getting people to buy vastly overpriced skins in the MP. I’m really wondering if we’ll ever see campaign story DLC now. It won’t make them any money unless

Locke, who is the founding president of the Tesla Owners Clubs in Vancouver Island and Santa Clarita Valley, promptly apologized after Musk scolded him for critiquing the software.”