
I’ll gladly stop mowing mine if you promise to pay the fine. lol

You are all such blatatnly ignorant. Why not try suicice and clean this nation up. I guess I could just scream racist like you cry baby libtards always do. Your stupid, ignorant and dumbass lies and opinions are exactly the reason you and your lesbo liberal commie lost the election. Suck the barrel of a gun why don’t

You perverts have nothing better to do or write about.

Why do you leftwing dumbasses have to keep bothering our president when your rag is supposed to be about electronics as the such. No one wants to hear your bull shitting, retarted rants about politics. STFU!

As usual, with no real backbone, another wanna be magazine bows to the insane left to up their ratings in the eye of libtards. We had enough of your islamic messiah bringing socialism to this country. Trump won! Deal with it Gizmodo. You just lost a reader here.