Careful, this could get you fired or even arrested depending on your job/industry.
Careful, this could get you fired or even arrested depending on your job/industry.
I have that same exact one if you’re interested ;) It’s a 94, Still has kickstarter. kickstarter > disc brakes
You do get traction control and abs on the XSR, justification enough in my eyes.
Reminds me of this
Man I miss that truck, they really need to make a “pickup” again...
Lol, obviously, how could I miss that, must be because I’m so old;)
Honest question, is Bangarang! actually used somewhere? What does it mean and where do people say it? Is it just young folks or is it old now like “groovy”? The only place I’ve ever heard it was in the movie Hook. Just curious. Thanks
Stop playing with my emotions
I’m sure they don’t all set out to rip people off, the thing is, it is very difficult, expensive, and time consuming to bring a brand new product to market, even for an experienced multi-million dollar company. A couple of race dudes in a random garage in Italy are going to have to perform miracles to pull this off at…
It’s so they can go out in public after they run into some “production issues” and abscond with the all that sweet kickstarter money...
True enough, I stick to sleepy little lakes that you can swim across in the Adirondacks. Probably waay out of my price range anyways. Cheers!
I like this modern take on that design.
I am truly surprised to not see a picture of an Elio here... Not that I think they are ever actually going to be produced but still...
Thanks for the illuminating insight.
Thank you for letting us know about JW Speaker. They have some pretty awesome stuff!
Make sure you get the RV rated one. I don’t think the normal one covers Motorcycle tows. Plus it has a longer range, worth every penny...
Just speaking up for Team MacDonald here.. Not all of us want to read the nerdy details;) That said, nice write up Mr. Tracy, even a simpleton like me could grasp the concepts the way you explained them.
Thanks, I kind of figured it was an opportunity kind of thing (Great price BTW) . I really wanted to consider the Oset but electric doesn’t do well here in upstate NY (my garage was -6 Yesterday morning...) Happy Riding!
My guy is about to turn seven so I was looking for a little room to grow with the ttr over the pw as well. Any particular reason you chose the Honda over the yammy?