Cursed Mark

And that’s what it’s really all about, isn’t it?

Who told you empathy is a limited resource? Commodification doesn’t apply to emotions, kiddo.

“Maybe it’s finally time for the filmmakers to deliver an honest to god Stab picture, the in-universe film adaptations of events of the Scream series.”

So as a fan of his you couldn’t possibly allow the thought of him having committed a rape, because he attracts women who like BDSM? There comes a time in everyone’s life where we need to separate the “art” we like that someone created from who that person may actually be. I was a fan of Loius C.K, and his jokes would

You’re on social media, posting rapist sympathizer shit and revealing your significant deficiencies as a human being. You can believe that!

Then you need to log off, because you’re definitely fucking worthless. 

Empathy isn’t finite.

You’re one of those always believe the rapist kinda dudes, huh?

Your lack of empathy is honestly disturbing. You're absolute trash and you should feel terrible about who you are as a person 

Brian Warner, is that you?

Did you rape someone in your music video? If not, maybe shut the fuck up

you’re a gross person.

Love to see a website that’s been putting out quality content for over 20 years get hollowed out by private equity vampires!

Also “However, the video is coming coming down just yet.”


I mean I don’t care whether or not Wood’s claims are true, but if she gets Marilyn Manson’s shitty music pulled off of Youtube she’s a hero

It's not that bad. I've known people talk pretty much like that. English accents don't divide into Hugh Grant or Jason Statham

Through his teen years and rise of his career Noah’s mother was being victimized by his stepfather with all the “well what were YOU doing” that takes place in those situations. Penultimate incident involved her getting shot in the head, luckily she survived it. The last part of the 10 minute segment was him explaining

Oh my God. That would mean I’m IN an AV Club comment section.

I think maybe Netflix is IN a Netflix movie.