Cursed Mark

(Wait’ll he finds out about George Clooney’s Batman and Jared Leto’s Joker.)

I was not aware that The Penguin was a role model. So, should I assume that Warner Brothers is actively encouraging us to commit crimes and kill The Batman?

Batman maybe. I doubt many kids look up to The Penguin.

Capitalism is rollin’ up its’ sleeves and getting to work undermining all of that as hard as it can rn.

>Doesn’t like Batman Returns
>Doesn’t like Colin Farrell

Well you’re not coming to MY birthday party, damn.

a poem about how she would have been able to prevent the bloodshed—if only she were Russian President Vladimir Putin’s mom.

To compensate, Mister Freeze now smokes Kools. 

They made Wolverine quit cigars in the comics, and he’s got a healing factor. 

If you didnt know this iteration had the penguin, odds are you probably werent going to see it in the theatre anyways.

This is offensive to me! Pengy needs to smoke! ;)

What value is a life without surprise? What happiness comes from safe predictability?


How is there a legit security concern for Russia? Because the west is going to invade them?

Oh, I agree with you. But that doesn’t make their security concerns ‘valid’ which is what the person I was responding to was claiming. 

Again, Russia’s concerns are only valid if you think they have a right to basically have an empire and to essentially own all the countries on their western border to use as a buffer to Europe, regardless of what those countries want.

Pretty sure this was Putin’s long game all along. And if Trump was still in charge, he’d probably be rabid Putin puppet dancing and sending compliments, aid and supplies to the Russians. This is basically what happens when you have your own little empire for so long no one ever tells you no, so you start to think you

They’re not valid security concerns because it’s not like countries joining NATO don’t want to join NATO and get closer to the West instead of expressing fealty to Putin.

It took months and this is how Jezebel finally even pays lip service to this crisis? Absolutely embarrassing.

Countries join NATO because they’re worried about Russian domination/invasion (given that they were victims of Russian imperialism for much of the 20th century) the last decade has basically validated their concerns