Cursed Mark

I couldn’t care less

Actually, it’s Motomarpha.

but outside of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Loki, and WandaVision

I’m sure this change will stick, just like Barney’s sobriety.

Pierce Brosnan seems a little old for her.

The problem with Israel is that they refuse to recognize the simple fact that their country doesn’t exist and thus any antisemitic pogrom against them can be justified. If they were just to accept that basic fact, like so many of their neighbours have, this conflict would be over!

using them as human shields,” for one thing, Israel is the one that pushes this narrative

While we’re blaming Iran

Literally no one cares

Well, I was going to watch it because I like the Vincent Price/Roger Corman Poe films, but now I have to watch it.

he got scammed out

“Mutants! How I hate and fear them!”

If you disagree with child circumcision you’re an

How dare deb03449a1 have their own opinions about his opinions!!!

but a grown man slapping another grown man for disrespecting his wife

They have curved light sabres.

Keep ‘em coming, Gleep-Glop!

You’ve got to hand it to the Germans, they make great cars.