Cursed Mark

I don’t think I need to do anything to showcase the fragility

We all know why you’re mad, son.

The dudebra (account: dudebraa) imposter

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Cronenberg is a successful director and, at least for some of that success, he stayed the f*ck in Canada.

anything can happen at anytime with anyone and anything that happens can be undone. There is no laws of nature to respond with.

The fact is Marvel movies are just extended commercials for a brand

Hulk is also a much better and smarter film than many people might remember.

This is a sad, sad day.

And, one more time because apparently we’re still doing this...

They put me in armor; they shoved a beard on me. Sit on the throne, shout a bit...

TRIAL OFF. ... Reason for cancellation (on consent): the parties have resolved the matter.”

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Englund’s by no means limited to yelling slurs at teenage victims, though

Sweet Stan Lane was an amazing wrestler and one half of one of the best tag teams of all-time...

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He snapped a photo with another much-beloved performer, Bob Odenkirk. “Saul’s unite!”

was the natural off ramp for a lot of people


without an in-universe explanation like they did for Hulk