
I heard she is hiding on the island of Florida. 

You had me at The Chief being involved. I need her rock solid knowledge of geography and herconcern for finding Carmen Sandiego and her perfect breasts.

Native German speaker here. One of the (many) peculiarities of the German language is that a lot of words look very similar and one single letter can potentially completely change their meaning. To make matters more difficult, some nouns and verbs are spelled the same way safe for a capital letter in the beginning

I would translate the verb “schlittern” as “to skid”. The movements of someone who “schlittert”(is skidding) are clearly out of their control. You would “schlittern” down an icy hill, for example, barely staying on your feet. A high risk of the “schlittern” leading to a fall is inherent to the verb. Also, if I may

Hopefully FuturePeter will teach PastPeter how to react when Uncle Ben is brought up.

Yeah, last night it wouldn’t let me link or post a screenshot. It would show until I posted and then disappear.

Wa Wa Woom!

breakout-in-waiting Michał Meyer

“Even the sky looks Caucasian.”

I love that this website in order to provide you with a animal inspired dildo in the fastest time possible just let’s you digitally shrug your shoulders and pick “any color” as an option.

The other day I had someone with a Homestuck avatar get all outraged that someone with a My Little Pony avatar would deign to comment on their post.

As a massive fan of both I was like “my dude what kind of moral highground do you think you’re operating from?”

Just join a rabid fandom, any rabid fandom

This is classic furry passive aggressive speciesism (if you’ve ever been around furries, which I have for good and bad - they’re a constant source of amusing drama, but there are hygiene and money issues).

The Travel Bug with August Lindt episode is one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. Probably my favorite podcast episode ever. I was almost glad when they put it behind a paywall so I would have to stop listening to it countless times. Can’t wait for the sequel.

I love the reigned-in snark now that their sister sites are partnering with McDs.

It’s a trolling piece, designed to get clicks. It could just as easily have been titled “HEY FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT I’LL FUCK YOUR FUCKING MOTHER YOU COCK SUCKING FUCK”. He doesn’t show up at work in the morning and have his boss tell him to go make internet-friends.

I upvoted it not because the accusation applies specifically to this post you just made, but because it is in general a fair and accurate representation of your posting history and I’d like you to know that we all know it and we’re pretty fucking sick of it.

Buddy, I ain’t talking to you, I’m talking about you.

If you like pina coladas, and emphasizing Barack Hussein...

Are you not aware of this guy’s schtick?