
Cilantro tastes like someone put dishwasher soap in my salad. My son shares this malady. UGH! Deal-breaker.

Is she even cute? She does nothing for me. May: the hot one.

The only thing that distracted me in this episode was, how did Sarah fake Cosima's braids? That's not something that can be done and undone quickly.

don't forget the Berkley-San Diego commute every couple of hours to/from the hospital to pick up underwear and pregnancy tests.

bingo, all true

the charter school, mayoral run, Natalie and the other girlfriend, Saint doctor, and Joel as evil unfeeling guy… you could erase all of that and I'd be good.

this show always makes me feel dirty…not in a good way. It's like a car wreck you have to slow down to see.

did you see the size of that building they looked at? The called it an office building but it looked like a huge church or Taj Mahal deal. Why do they need that kind of space for the one teacher and small class-size number of students? And I hate how money is never an object for them. Before they got dead-woman's

I love this show but I kinda hate-watch it, too, actively rooting for Bravermans to fail at stuff.

Usually I hate Rachel, but all the performances, esp. Downtown, were great for me. Less drama, more music, it was a good ep for me.

awesome comment

I always thought the real reason she quit was because she was sick of her law firm and the pressures put on her, and staying home for Victor was an extension of that.

As I said elsewhere, I was really suspicious about how Kristina and Amber never actually spelled out that they were talking about the same thing. I thought it was setting us up to have the info leaked and Amber saying, "No, I WASN'T okay with this coming out, I thought you were talking about something else!" But

I am not convinced that Amber would be okay with the stuff about Bob "harrassing" her coming out. Note that Amber and Kristina never spelled out exactly that they were talking about the same thing. Wasn't the thing between Bob and Amber consensual, though ill-advised, and would Amber really be cool with this

Believe me, there are plenty of crazy Republicans in Michigan.