
Arnold's family- maybe his cousin supplies the restaurant, with some type of equipment, and he's the one that gets Arnold the reservation.

It's on Spotify . InsecureHBO .

I think it says a lot about Issa that she's casting them. I think the guy that comes into the office to talk about Molly's coworker's wedding was also on ABG as the temp.

In one of the episodes she talks about how at their age they have a small window to do crazy things, before they get too old. She mentions her sister and says she doesn't want to become like her, now suck with kids ( I think her sister wanted to go to Paris) and she specifically mentions Japan and dying her hair..

I disagree with the review, I it makes perfect sense for Mindy to hold off telling Danny, since Annette made a point of saying how much they connected on their shopping trip - plus who wants to tell someone their mom is a thief.