
Installing a lighter OS is always a good idea. Puppy Linux, any LXDE based distibution, or even TinyXP for those who can't live without Bill's OS.

I'm always adding something like 'Wikipedia' or the name of the site I hope to find the answer to what I search for.

VOTE: Wikia

At Work I need a lot of space because I have huge datasets (geodata); at home the bigest chunk is films and series; then family photographies and clips. Can't get enough space!

I strongly suggest using DropBox or some other cloud sync service to keep a copy of the images you haven't yet backed-up somehow. You might have those 10-year-old pictures safe with copies in Fort Knox and somewhere in Switzerland, but that won't help you with pics from Christmas if your disk gets too much eggnog.

Prove you're smart and willing to learn

Be aware of greed; live thoughtful of the others.

1.- Put ego on diet

@CorporalMaxSterling: No, Databases are not UTF-8 by default; you have to create the database in explicitly with that coding; something that is often overlook in the USA.

What about Symbian!?!


Not a big fan of stacking, nor extensions, but there are some neat things like the new Pin tab behaviour, not to mention speed!

What JavaScript tests do you use? Results rankings vary greatly if using Googles, Sun or other JS test suite.

DR/DOS, Borland Turbo C, Tie Fighter

Selective sync sounds cool.; Now, with user defined directories it would be a killer.

His this post sexual connotations?

I've never liked grouping very much, for instance in Win7 task bar, but I have to admit it is smoothly implemented.



I made dummy accounts for this. Actually, I had neither Twitter nor Facebook accounts!