
Growing up in that area, around that scene, and playing music, as a bunch of dudes my age put out an album like Jupiter was life changing. You didn't have to be an ugly English dude in tights to create a prog masterpiece. That album deserves an article like this oneā€¦it was even more polarizing than Jane Doe was, IMO.

I'm willing to give it a lot more consideration now that I've seen the video from the last couple reunion shows. I don't know what magical unicorn Axl Rose had to blow, but he's actually sounding pretty good.

Doogie White is on the incredibly short list of musicians who have achieved far more success than anyone named Doogie theoretically should.

From what I've read, Iommi has pretty much written it off as revisionist history on Fenholt's part, and that it seems that Fenholt had some sort of involvement with Iommi, but that if it were for anything it would have been for an Iommi solo album.

Fair enough. It did come out as part of the EI reissue, though.

Don't forget the Beatles. John, Paul, George, Ringo, Clarence, and the Paul lookalike who replaced Paul after he died.

We'll never know. Because Disco Stu doesn't advertise.

Donato, IIRC, did show up in a photo shoot/magazine interview at the time. Granted, nothing came of it, but it's pretty obvious in that article that he was the new vocalist. I'd give it half credit.

There is a bootleg of Eternal Idol with Ray Gillan's vocals on it, that were scrapped in favor of Tony Martin's. That was eventually released officially so it kind of counts.

Jerry Only will hire any knucklehead that was in a history class with him in 8th grade these days.

If they changed the actor playing Negan to Gallagher, I'd be 100% into this.

So many possibilities there.

That episode was the TD ever because of how visibly annoyed, and eventually openly hostile Hardwick was to Manson. I kind of want Manson to be a permanent co-host.

James Dewees and Matt Pryor look like they just ate the younger versions of themselves.

"Were you guys just dancing a little bit there?"

Did Steve tell you that, per chance?

On the version of "Business Time" from the episode when he mentions her dirty old t-shirt from her company outing, etc, he ad libs the line "Team building exercises nineteen ninety nineeeeinnnnne" and for some reason it always kills me.

I'd drop some serious coin for Prince's pancake recipe.

Throw it.

We're just down to Paul, Ringo and Clarence now. Sad times.