
That was kind of a week moment, considering that just a couple weeks ago we saw some pretty savage butchery in the church. Rick is either in "give no fucks" mode or he isn't.

"How was your date with @avclub-4e47f6a561dbe6724a331cf235f76e8a:disqus?"
"We got in the car and he had it out."

Hershel's spaghetti wednesday zinger at the prison had promise. It's too bad they killed him off. He could have been the comedy one-liner guy in the group.

Shades of Always Sunny.

Just wait until next season when they meet up with T-Dog's long-lost, until now unknown, twin brother U-Dog.

Once Lori and Andrea died, the stupid factor went down quite a bit, actually.

I'm way on the fence about this one. On one hand: NEW FAITH NO MORE! On the other, it kind of sounds a bit like a song they'd write if they were asking themselves "What WOULD we write?" On the third hand, that's hardly a reason to be any less excited for a new album, because it will undoubtedly be awesome.

DMB does absolutely nothing for me, but I can't seem to work up the hatred that he gets from some people. By all accounts I've heard he's a super cool dude, and he once said that he got the idea for the "Satellite" guitar riff from trying to imitate Robert Fripp, which I can totally see, as weird as that seems. If you

I shouldn't have laughed at this.

I can't wait for next week's episode. We can finally get to the bottom of what "Don't Dead, Open Inside" means.

The real 9/11 or OUR 9/11…which is T-Dog dying?

Noah: "Aw hell naw…"
Michonne: "YES! That's right! That's the thing you said once!"

He isn't even in the house. As usual.

"T-Dog? You're…whiter than I remember you…"

That's exactly why I roll my eyes at the crowd of TWD haters who bang on about all the little "reality" things that go unaddressed, and how that essentially ruins the show for them. Let's ponder this for a second, as they are usually the same people who point to season 2 as the most boring thing to ever happen to

Seriously. Those little guitar fills in the second verse part are just a great addition. And you know…Bob Mould. That guy could sing the phonebook and I'd be interested.

I wonder if those songs were written around the time of The Colour and the Shape, because they don't really go with all the radio-rock on the rest of the album. They would have sounded totally at home on TCATS.

The one tune with Bob Mould is great. It almost makes up for the rest of it being so forgettable.

I don't think many of us figured it out all the way, because it was poorly done. If you haven't read the comic I assume you'd be totally lost.

Ghost of Lori.