
I never understood why that gets swept under the rug. Ali was a complete asshole to fraiser. HBO has a great documentary featuring the Ali/fraiser fued. I def am more empathetic to Joe fraiser.

I wouldn’t trade the Yankees 04 alcs collapse for the giants winning that game


Not kidding at all when I say I honestly thought fat Joe died in 2006

Is wolverine in this?

I don’t know much about the artist but I like this

I swear I thought I just read an article on here about the need to incorporate Westbrook less and Durant needed to hulk out

They’re playing the royals by me....wait have I been watching the minor league squad this whole time?! I thought their record was too bad to be true

He said chirk off, you guys!

I like taters

U know those two kids in front of him knew what he was doing

And just like that ryabck became the most popular guy on the roster

Exactly why I can’t watch basketball.

The topic was divorce right?

Loves them Hi Tars

When he fell I actually thought it was the left knee that he hurt. Looked similar to Derrick roses when it buckled on him.

As a soccer noob. Can someone equate Totti to an American. Sportsman in his last game? I mean people weren’t crying during jeter or Kobe’s last game.

Wish u could see the pitcher, at what point does it become a swing ?

Giants cowboys again?! enough! Enough!!!!

We haven’t had a Photoshop contest in a while. Can we?