
Yeah, I think that’s wishful thinking. I think Trump loves being president now. 

I think it’s very likely he tries to refuse to leave the White House... And that will be the moment the GOP turns on him and memory holes him. Mitch McConnell will say that Trump is being ridiculous and America has spoken and if the Marines have to they’ll pull Trump out of the White House. 

It truly makes me sad to

He’s not just saying ridiculous shit - he’s actually doing ridiculous shit.

Nah. This motherfucker has always been this craven and narcissistic. This is just all the shitty wallpaper being stripped from the roach encrusted walls. He has always been a racist. He has always been a narcissistic fuck stain. He has always been a useless grifter. Anyone watching has known this from the start.

But yesterday was the first time I’ve felt like he’s a man who is totally out of control and realizes there’s no one who can or will discipline him.

No one calls him on that ANY bullshit.

That man is a whole 48 years old; you can sleep wrong and have your neck out of commission for a month. He probably snapped a tendon or something.

Technically he’s not necessarily a corrupt cop. Really bad or incompetent, sure. Violent and offensive, no doubt. Racist? Possibly. Unfit to wear the badge? Well, thats trickier, as he seems to demonstrate all the traits that the police seem to look for in an officer, but represents everything the public demands an

Some even join the army where they can kill with impunity.

Violent people become cops so that they can commit violent acts against others with impunity.

In the words of Billy Roberts/Jimi Hendrix…

She tried to get disability but there ain’t no coverage for gravel knee. She has two sisters named Syphilis and Gonorrhea,her mama was real proud the hospital put such purty names in her chart. They both got arrested once for making pornos with her and their pitbull named killer.They say up there in the hills that you

Wow. Creative! I like it.

It was going to be brutal.

Who among YOU? Any of us is to say what we would do if we knew who killed one of our love ones? I am researching any Link to help these men out. I’m sure they let there emotions get the best of them. Hopefully the judge will try to understand this and go light on them. Killers get..what they got comin both here and in

That was such a cold action done to that woman, I have no idea what in the hell was going through that psycho’s mind. 23 to life is way too kind. 

A lot of pushing and pulling but not enough licks to the murderer.

Although the sentencing hearing was delayed, Williams still faces 23 years to life in prison.

Point of order: there is a black Spider-Man (and he’s Amazing).

Those are good sons.