
My daughter says G.G. for “great grandma”, at said grandma’s request. It might be that.

I’m sorry that happened to you. A “friend” thought it was a good idea to pull my pants off while I was passed out and fortunately a real friend caught him before he got any further. The next time I passed him out in public he asked for a hug like nothing happened.

As a parent, every time your kid goes somewhere without you, you have a little moment of panic. A flash of “What if the worst happens?” I cannot fathom being the mom who actually gets the dreaded call. I feel so bad for the whole family, but thinking about her getting that call just shuts my brain down. And her poor

That was literally my first thought when I learned about Becky as an insult, like “why is a Sir Mixalot term from the 90's coming up now?” Are we sure it’s not?

Does she remind anyone else of Alyssa Milano?

So basically they’re all enthusiastic supporters of child rape. Nothing wrong with it, no sirree. Barf.

So I lost my job recently and I need to vent. I was at a call center that specialized in “political opinion polls”. My job was to cold-call people and conduct these surveys. The thing is, these “surveys” were actually carefully constructed propaganda designed to plant idea in the minds of the voters we spoke to. Most

You know, my job just took on a client that I disagreed with politically (Campaign to defund Planned Parenthood). Working on the project would have “violated” my first amendment rights all over the place. I tried and it triggered a massive panic attack. So I sued them, right? No, I fucking quit like a normal person.

I went to a community college for a while with a female pooper. She like to finger paint on the walls. I got all the way pantsed and seated once before I realized there was a “drawing” on the stall door, looking right at me. I still gag thinking about it.

To clarify, that thought was 90% facetious and only 10% “hmmm...”

“There wasn’t any forced entry”? And Tips, who knew the deceased, “wants her back”? I think we have a suspect...

Man that is straight up abuse, with some creepy sexual overtones. I am so sorry you had to go through that.

How awful. I’m so sorry she treated you that way :(

Oh god, I might win. I was at a small-town grocery store with my mom and sister and we happened to have the only black employee I can see in the store bagging our groceries. You can see where this is going. So of course he offers to take our bags to the car and she pats my on the shoulder and says “That’s all right, I